Extruder Tension Adjustment
I am curious if there is a way to adjust the extruder tension against the filament on the Mini+.
Thank you,
RE: Extruder Tension Adjustment
Do you mean idler screw on the side of the PTFE tube that goes into the extruder? https://help.prusa3d.com/article/idler-screw-tension_177367
See my GitHub and printables.com for some 3d stuff that you may like.
RE: Extruder Tension Adjustment
Hi, The link you provided does not address the mini+. We want to reduce the pressure the extruder gear is squeezing the filament. This is very easy to do on the MK3S and we are curious if there is a similar adjustment on the mini+.
The link does address the Mini and Mini +. It contains adjusting for a wide range of prusa printers as well as the MMU. Please look again.
If you want to get more specific https://help.prusa3d.com/article/idler-screw-tension_177367#mini-mini
RE: Extruder Tension Adjustment
Thank you! Yes, I did make a mistake. That link was exactly what I needed. Thank you again.