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[Risolto] Disappointed - Faulty Extruder Motor  

New Member
Disappointed - Faulty Extruder Motor

Received my Pre-Assembled Prusa Mini+ yesterday. Feeling very excited I set it up and tried to run the calibration print and the filament wouldn't load. I looked on the forums and found some people had their grub screw on the extruder gear not done up, so I tried that, but no success. So I contacted customer support and spent over 2 hours with the very helpful and patient technician trying to troubleshoot the problem, even had to remove all the pre installed wiring from the board(company policy on faulty electronic hardware). No luck. All they could offer me was sending me a replacement extruder motor or refund me the value of the motor(what's that going to achieve)... Seems a bit unfair that I paid the extra $50USD for a pre assembled version and now due to a "tested" part not working out of the box I had to disassemble half of the printer and now have to wait for another 2 weeks for the replacement part to arrive, then re-assemble the printer, with no form of reimbursement. Not even some sort of E-Shop credit on a future purchase... Very disappointed

Postato : 13/11/2021 3:12 am
Honorable Member
RE: Disappointed - Faulty Extruder Motor

I can understand your "disappointment", but maybe you should also try to understand. Electric parts can stop working at any time. And if/when that happens, you will always ask yourself "why right now?". You buy brand new car and it can stop working after a day (sh*t happens).
And let's be honest, asking $50 for 90+% assembled Mini, is really not that much.  Replacement part or refund... they gave you options. Maybe refund makes sense for someone else who can get motor quicker locally.

What can I say... try to be positive.. and you will enjoy Mini in future 🙂 .

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Postato : 13/11/2021 9:21 am
MichaelMilano e OllyBeez hanno apprezzato
Active Member
RE: Disappointed - Faulty Extruder Motor

It happens. All the time with all electrical products. I've received a faulty washing machine. That's fine as long as the customer support is great and it is truly one of the best I've seen. I'm sure you are going to enjoy this little printer as much as many of us do. 

Postato : 02/12/2021 4:33 pm
Active Member
RE: Disappointed - Faulty Extruder Motor

Hi, can the OMG V2S extruder be mounted on the Prusa mini +?

Postato : 08/12/2021 5:10 am