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Colour Change Bug/Optimization for Firmware  

Eminent Member
Colour Change Bug/Optimization for Firmware

For the PRUSA team; I hope this can be modified in a future release.

Currently when you do a colour change, after it ejects the current filament, it asks if the filament was successfully ejected.  You push the selector wheel inward to say yes.  Then, after inserting the new filament, if you try and push the selector wheel inward but accidentally rotate it ever so slightly, it goes to the other option and does not load the material, and goes back and tries to start printing.  This seems incredibly stupid; why would it ever think it could resume printing without loading material?

I've done this twice in the last hour and it's frustrating because the whole print is scrapped at that point.

I know, I know; "just push the selector wheel straight in".  Sure...

Veröffentlicht : 15/01/2023 1:41 am
Reputable Member
RE: Colour Change Bug/Optimization for Firmware

If you want the devs to see this, it is better to enter an issue in github:

There are a few issues already that may be related:

If neither is close enough to your issue, enter a new issue.

In any case, you can follow an issue and see if it is being worked and when it is fixed.





Veröffentlicht : 15/01/2023 5:18 am