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[Solved] Another stringing thread...  

Active Member
Another stringing thread...

Hello everyone,

New to 3D printing and my first post here!

I know there is a lot on the internet about stringing, but I could not fix it, even if my life depended on it…

I’ve got a Prusa mini+ and it has worked great with the standard 0.4mm nozzle! Now, I’m trying to set up good print quality with a 0.25mm nozzle and printing with 0.07mm layer height. But I’m experiencing stringing.

I’m printing with XPLA (PLA+) and regular PLA. I opened a new filament roll from the factory that had been vacuumed sealed but also dried it to see if there were moisture in the filament that caused it. But it was not.

I’ve been printing this as a test:

Settings I’ve played around with:

-Retraction length: 3.0 – 3.8mm

-Retraction speed: 70-90mm/s

-Temperature: 180C – 210C

-Extrusion multiplier: 0.9 – 0.98

-Changed PTFE-tube hot end (and made sure it was clean)

-Changed to a new 025mm nozzle

-Travelling speed: 150-170mm/s

-Idler screw tension ( but might be able to play around more with this one

One thing to note is that I lowered my general speed settings (since I’m planning on printing mini:s).

Any other suggestions / have I missed something obvious that could solve my issue?

If any more info is needed, let me know!

And thank you for taking the time to help me!


Best Answer by willbauly:

Try a retraction distance of 2.5mm (works amazing for me) and turn OFF Z-Hop. Wipe before retract - 75%

Idler tension is actually really important, and there needs to be no clearance at the ends of the PTFE tube in the H/E.

Posted : 17/09/2022 6:16 pm
Illustrious Member

You did change the Nozzle diameter setting in Printer Settings > Extruder N  ?


Posted : 17/09/2022 11:55 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Another stringing thread...


Yes, I did! (Of course, I forgot to put that in my post!)

Thank you for the answer though.

Posted : 18/09/2022 11:57 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Another stringing thread...

Can i post a picture? Some stringing may be perfectly normal.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 18/09/2022 5:51 pm
Active Member
RE: Another stringing thread...

Try a retraction distance of 2.5mm (works amazing for me) and turn OFF Z-Hop. Wipe before retract - 75%

Idler tension is actually really important, and there needs to be no clearance at the ends of the PTFE tube in the H/E.

Posted : 12/10/2022 12:22 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Another stringing thread...

Yrkes, Sorry for not answering you guys!

I got it to work in the end - I changed layer height to 0.1mm instead of 0.07. Then my issues was gone. Not a really satisfactory solution but worked for this project in the end.

Thank you for the help!

Posted : 16/10/2022 8:15 pm