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Essentium TPU 90A FR filament jamming  

Essentium TPU 90A FR filament jamming

Has anyone experiensed problems printing parts in Essentium TPU 90A FR?

I bought a roll of Essentium TPU 90A FR more than a year ago. I tried it on my EK3S with nozzle 0,6 and layer 0,4. Settings was Generic FLEX and the idler spring loosen some turns. The print was ok.

Recently I tried to make a new print on my MK3S but it failed. The filament was jamming in the Bondtech gear. The filament felt very soft, so I suspected it had picked up moist, and I dried it for several hours in +70°C. I tried again to print with the dried filament, but it jammed again.

Anyway I was in the progress to get a MK4S with the new Nextruder. I made a new try with the MK4S  and the Essentium TPU 90A FR. Generic FLEX settings, nozzle 0,6 and layer 0,4. It was no problem to load the filament. When I tried printing a part the outline on the first layer was ok but during infill the extruder motor started to klick. The filament was stuck in the filament hole in the Main-plate after the gear. After several attempts with different settings in the slicer, I gave up.

Now I have solved the problem by making a redesign of the Main-plate and the Idler. The Essentium TPU 90A FR filament, with or without moister, prints without problem on the MK4S with nozzle 0,6 and layer 0,4 with standard Generic FLEX settings. I use nozzle 0,6 and layer 0,4 to save print time. Was it necessary to make a redesign of the filament feeder or could the problem have been solved in another way with other slicer settings? Are there any flex material on the market that is not possible to print with MK4S? It would be interesting to try it with my new design.

Napsal : 28/10/2024 9:40 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Essentium TPU 90A FR filament jamming

Here is my solution to problems with TPU jamming.


Napsal : 13/11/2024 10:16 pm