x axes homing failed
my mk4s (upgraded from an mk4) started developing problems that were never present before. The mk4 never had a single issue and after the S upgrade it was faultless as well.
Before each print I get an Y axes error (fixed now, the bearing had moved as result of the multiple banging) and I am now left with an "X axes homing error" with a "crash detected" warning as well.
I did a factory reset and all the checks passed but I still get the "X axes homing error" with crash. The x axes is clean, any suggestions on what to do next?
thanks in advance
RE: x axes homing failed
solved my own problem. Removing the loveboard cover solves the x homing error. I wiggled the cover a bit, pushed it on the right a bit, no issues anymore. This "banging" at the beginning of a print is shaking the printer into failure, VERY annyoing.
I remember seeing that but my mk4 to mk4s upgrade was literally flawless, like in "no errors or problems whatsoever" and it printed like a champ for months. Only the new FW that bangs the printing head before starting create X and Y problems. I would have never thought that the banging would manage to shift the bearings AND the cover so much that faults are registered...
oh well, now I know what to look for...
RE: x axes homing failed
I remember seeing that but my mk4 to mk4s upgrade was literally flawless, like in "no errors or problems whatsoever" and it printed like a champ for months. Only the new FW that bangs the printing head before starting create X and Y problems. I would have never thought that the banging would manage to shift the bearings AND the cover so much that faults are registered...
oh well, now I know what to look for...
Good point. Mine does that occasionally. It seems to only be if I move the extruder prints cleaning the nozzle or something, and if I print directly from the screen that pops up when sending a print to it. I usually back out of that screen and then go to the print menu
Hopefully they'll get a fix for that.