x axes homing failed
my mk4s (upgraded from an mk4) started developing problems that were never present before. The mk4 never had a single issue and after the S upgrade it was faultless as well.
Before each print I get an Y axes error (fixed now, the bearing had moved as result of the multiple banging) and I am now left with an "X axes homing error" with a "crash detected" warning as well.
I did a factory reset and all the checks passed but I still get the "X axes homing error" with crash. The x axes is clean, any suggestions on what to do next?
thanks in advance
RE: x axes homing failed
solved my own problem. Removing the loveboard cover solves the x homing error. I wiggled the cover a bit, pushed it on the right a bit, no issues anymore. This "banging" at the beginning of a print is shaking the printer into failure, VERY annyoing.
I remember seeing that but my mk4 to mk4s upgrade was literally flawless, like in "no errors or problems whatsoever" and it printed like a champ for months. Only the new FW that bangs the printing head before starting create X and Y problems. I would have never thought that the banging would manage to shift the bearings AND the cover so much that faults are registered...
oh well, now I know what to look for...
RE: x axes homing failed
I remember seeing that but my mk4 to mk4s upgrade was literally flawless, like in "no errors or problems whatsoever" and it printed like a champ for months. Only the new FW that bangs the printing head before starting create X and Y problems. I would have never thought that the banging would manage to shift the bearings AND the cover so much that faults are registered...
oh well, now I know what to look for...
Good point. Mine does that occasionally. It seems to only be if I move the extruder prints cleaning the nozzle or something, and if I print directly from the screen that pops up when sending a print to it. I usually back out of that screen and then go to the print menu
Hopefully they'll get a fix for that.
RE: x axes homing failed
I get this like 3/10 times when I print. I solve it by using my hand to exert slight pressure on the extruder in the direction it homes. This dampens the vibration and solves the calibration failure. To be honest, this feels like a bug either in the machine itself or how the firmware homes. I really don't understand why it homes at a hundred miles an hour, shouldn't it just slide over there at normal speeds?