new user with MK4S / MMU3 and the overcurrent warning
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new user with MK4S / MMU3 and the overcurrent warning  

new user with MK4S / MMU3 and the overcurrent warning

Hi there,

new user here with a new MK4S and a MMU3 bought as kit.

Assembly went well, some multi material prints finished, but now i get the over current warning.

Managed to get it away again by switching the printer off for some time and disconeccting the MMU, but now it is back again.

Without the MMU the printer is running fine.

I think my errror is somehow related to the FINDA sensor, because if i mount it to far in, so the led stay off and reboot, i get the overcurrent warning.

Tried to restart without the motors of the MMU connected, still get the error. What could be pulling more than 3.6A (thats what doc states as warning level) on the MMU board alone?

And can anyone confirm that pushing the FINDA sensor in to far and reboot causes the problem?


Posted : 15/02/2025 12:04 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: new user with MK4S / MMU3 and the overcurrent warning

forgot to mention :

Firmware printer 6.2.0
bootloader 2.3.5

Firmware MMU3 3.0.3
Buddy Board version 37


Posted : 15/02/2025 12:06 pm
Brian B
RE: new user with MK4S / MMU3 and the overcurrent warning

I've been running into the same issue for the last couple days. My printer and MMU came assembled but all of the firmware and versions are the same. The issue for me first started when the software on the printer crashed and I was getting the overcurrent error on restart. So far, just letting the printer stay off for several minutes to an hour or two has resolved it temporarily, though I would like a better resolution too. 

Posted : 18/02/2025 7:57 am
Richard Magee
RE: new user with MK4S / MMU3 and the overcurrent warning

Hello, Info: mk4s with MMU3 was purchased assembled. Prusa Enclosure was purchased, not assembled.

I have experienced this the for second time and was wonder if anyone else had the same experience or any info. 

Basically what has happened is this:

1) Print completed and cooldown (no problems up to here) 

2)Opened encloser doors 

3) went to reach for the knob to navigate to "finish print"(whatever it says to finish print and get to the "home Screen") when I did this my hand touched the enclosure first, which caused a static discharge into my hand and the printer restart(reset,Bootup,etc...).

4)Upon start up (after it self restarts) MMU3 over current Alarm Occurs 

to fix the alarm i just turned the power off for a little while and back on (can't confirm as i did not turn the printer back on this time)

I will be trying to recreate this again tomorrow(Video to contact prusa with)  , but wanted to know if anyone has any info or had the same experience. Thanks

Posted : 18/02/2025 11:12 pm

Many people have this issue, including me, I tried several things (without trying any of the solutions that involved soldering) but nothing seemed to really work, even turning it off for over 48hours did not do anything anymore this time

you could try a temporary (or permanent) grounding wire, that did the trick for me by just connecting the LCD ground wire and one of the MMU board mounting screws

more details:

for me recreating the problem is very easy, just hit the reset button and the overcurrent problems shows up after boot

This post was modified 1 month ago by RoastedChicken
Posted : 21/02/2025 12:09 pm
Rexroo The Owl Knight
RE: new user with MK4S / MMU3 and the overcurrent warning

was anyone able to resolve this? or is the best solution to just add a grounding wire between the MMU and LCD ground wire?  Currently, I just turn off my printer and leave it off for about half an hour and then it will boot up fine but I would like not to have to do that every time I need to restart the printer or if I turn it off.

Posted : 28/02/2025 7:35 pm
Estimable Member
RE: new user with MK4S / MMU3 and the overcurrent warning

The issue finally has been properly diagnosed and resolved.  Replace C96 on the xBuddy board with 100nF capacitor.  Prusa has just recently become aware of this but hasn’t yet committed to a course of action.

Posted : 02/03/2025 8:06 am
Rexroo The Owl Knight
RE: new user with MK4S / MMU3 and the overcurrent warning

good to know I do not have any way to solder currently so will have to see if any of my friends can do that

Posted : 03/03/2025 2:26 pm
Estimable Member
RE: new user with MK4S / MMU3 and the overcurrent warning

Looks like Prusa is finally fixing it!  Yay!

Posted : 07/03/2025 2:17 pm