New MK4S assembled, after 5th print it's spaghetti...
New MK4S is already failing on 5th print 🙁
Hello community...
I just finished building my printer mk4s standard kit a few days ago. I have been trying to figure out why the printer is doing this.
These are ALL my first to last prints from left to right (I haven't printed anything else).
This is my last print.. I used the Prusament PLA setting (galaxy red). I set temps 220/55 first layer, 215/50 there on and I used 0.2 structural. Other settings were left stock. (I obviously stopped the print when I saw it going to la-la land)
Here's other closer up images of the prints (first time hooking up the galaxy red):Left most is was face down on bed. Right two are bed side down.
This layer easily separated, was pretty brittle:
It didn't make really any difference changing the filament type, (I was first using generic PLA settings):It's like it skipped a layer or so.. That second piece of Benchy's hull is flipped over to show... whatever I can...
Things I have tried:
Following the instructions, built by an Old OCD physicist/engineer/it educated stickler.Changing temps between 215-230 and 50-60, raising and lowing flow rate (100%-110%),103%-105% seemed ok, it was help with the extrusion crapping on some runs, but didn't totally fix it.Which might be a second issue not sure, but the extrusion craps out on outlines, even on first layer.Lubing Z rods and screw pole thingies.Talking down to it ("You're a washed up old actress!")Cleaned print surfaces, purged nozzle, (unloaded, reloaded, purged x4) tightened extruder gear idler, loosed extruder gear idler.Changed room temps. Opened windows (~60 Deg F colder, more humid 60%), closed window (~73 Deg F ambient room, no air flow, low humid 45%)
By the way, my Ikea table dances like an authentic gypsy belly dancer. It didn't affect my first print so I assumed it wasn't the issue. I'm going to put it on something more solid next time just to try it for giggles when I get home today (not expecting a difference)
So........ I have this idea that the z-axis is being yanked upward when it pulled more feed off the spool. I noted that the filament that had zero resistance (the sample black and grey that came with the printer. I just kind of just put it on spool handles. Is this a thing that occurs? The extrusion gear seems to have good grip... I think, although there's no spec to how tight it should be. The galaxy red spool isn't on bearings, it's just on the handles. I am going to try it when I get some home today, if anything cut a smaller piece of PLA for testing.
I'm sure one of you wizards should have some suggestions... I'm doing the best I can to keep positive about this purchase if you know what I mean.
Thanks. LMK
RE: New MK4S assembled, after 5th print it's spaghetti...
I figured it out..
It was the Extruder Gearbox, gears were binding.
Here's how I figured it... I start to print swatches for testing. I noticed that when I tried to hand feed it into the extruder it did better, not fixed. But I also notice I was hearing clicking from the extruder when it was crapping out. Mhmmmmmm
So I reassembled and re-lubed it. And now it is working perfectly. I ran a 5 hour print after and it didn't miss anything, plus no more clicking.
I don't care what anyone says, even it's Prusa himself... clicking and periodic rubbing sounds from a gearbox is always death. The gears in the build tutorial didn't mesh like my gears when I was assembling it. It looks like they added a 10 or 15 thou backlash to the ring gear which is why it's looser looking when I built mine. When I tested it by rotating the gear with the little printed tool, I believe it forced one of the gears to advance one tooth.
... also, that red filament is damp and for those parts you would do better with cubic infill instead of grid.
RE: New MK4S assembled, after 5th print it's spaghetti...
I'm really not much a fan of how the Prusament Galaxy Red has been printing now that the machine is working. I will remember the cubic, so far I'm liking Gyroid.
I got some other filaments: PLA, PLA+ and PETG. My favorite so far is the PLA+.
RE: New MK4S assembled, after 5th print it's spaghetti...
Aside from what was said above, my personal experience with Galaxy Red and Prusa Yellow were a complete desaster, no matter if directly from a dry box, in my old MK3, the new MK4 (now 4S), w/o or with enclosure the layer adhesion is a desaster and I've never figured out how to fix it. Never got any problem like these with all other Prusament PLA, PETG, or PCBlend filaments I use.
RE: New MK4S assembled, after 5th print it's spaghetti...
Strange - I print with these colours and make no changes whatsoever (and I never dry my PLA) - no issues at all........
--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - MMU3 - Accelerometer Guide - BambuLab A1 Combo <--
RE: New MK4S assembled, after 5th print it's spaghetti...
Luck of the draw, I don't think it is color-specific. You can buy 100 rolls; all work perfectly, and 101 is wet. I have found no rhyme or reason to it. I had a roll of white Bambu ABS. I printed 10 to 20 rolls of this stuff—no issue with jams. The next roll is one I cannot print. It jams every time I try to print.
Strange - I print with these colours and make no changes whatsoever (and I never dry my PLA) - no issues at all........
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: New MK4S assembled, after 5th print it's spaghetti...
in my case, especially with the "oh my gold" filament, no matter what I do I get prints with horrible layer adhesion. Basically whatever I print easily snaps open at random layers boundaries. I had the problem with my old mks3, and I tested recently with my mk4s that otherwise prints perfectly, same easy breaks. I did dry the filament as well, still no joy. I wonder what would make this particular problem go away... any suggestion gladly received as I really like the color 😀
RE: New MK4S assembled, after 5th print it's spaghetti...
I agree about Prusament blend OhMyGold. Worst PLA I ever tried. Fragile as thin glass and terrible layer adhesion. I also dried the filament but that didn't make any difference. Although not that bad as this one, I've found similar issues with other Prusament PLA blend colors (royal blue and pearl white). Regular Prusament PLA has been always fine but I'm not buying more PLA blend from Prusa.