MK3S VS MK4S print quality
After five years I decided to get my second printer, MK4S.
After some test prints I'm quite disapointed.
As seen in the pictures, MK3S's prints are much better then MK4S's.
Ok, MK4S is much faster but the quality is what I preffer.
What have I done wrong?
In the second picture you can see that MK4S made a ridge instead of edge like MK3S does.
And in the third picture there is a 'spiral' on the MK4S print.
RE: MK3S VS MK4S print quality
It looks to me like input shaping is not working. You’ll need to use PrusaSlicer and make sure you choose the MK4S (with Input Shaper) from the configuration setup. I don’t know for sure, but I don’t think Cura or other slicers will automatically handle input shaping properly for Prusa printers.
I was an IS (input shaping) skeptic until I ran tests on my MK4S with and without IS. The difference is astounding! It does work! The MK4S has default settings for IS that should work satisfactorily, however you can tweak it for best results if you have the accelerometer accessory.
RE: MK3S VS MK4S print quality
Thank you for a reply.
I do use PrusaSlicer and IS as a defult factory setting(s).
I tried to play a little with belts tension but with no success. (see picture)
As a hobbyst I expect that the factory settings should be more or less OK for day to day use, printing uncomplicated objects.
But now I'm really desperate.
I bought MK3S an MK4S as a kit. Assembly was not a problem for either of them, except there was no book with MK4S kit (shame on you PRUSA).
Now I'm considering getting rid of MK4S and buying something like BAMBOO or similar.
RE: MK3S VS MK4S print quality
Those pictures are terrible! Your MK4S should definitely be performing better than that! Belt tension can affect quality so it’s good you checked that. Check your Input Shaper settings on the printer itself and try resetting them to defaults. If I recall correctly defaults are something like MVZ 40hz and MVZ 50hz. I tried disabling once and results looked a lot like your pictures until I restored the default settings. Hang in there! Keep reaching out if you still need to.
RE: MK3S VS MK4S print quality
Use the structural setting.
RE: MK3S VS MK4S print quality - mystery soved
Mystery solved!
Obviously the belts were to loose!
I checked the tightness with Prusa belt tuner and it showed around 80 Hz.
Now I tightened them to cca 100 Hz. A little to tight for me but it works!
Thank you all for your effort and kindness.