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GPIO Project Question - Filter control  

GPIO Project Question - Filter control

I just upgraded my MK4 to the MK4S, and I ordered the GPIO board along with it.

One thing I would like to do is control a VOXEL Bento Box 2 that I use in my Ikea Lack enclosure, to control the PTEG fumes.  Right now, I have to use a wall outlet, and plug it in when I want to use the filter.  Ideally, I'd like to wire it to the printer power supply, but use GCODE to turn it on.  Has anybody done anything similar?

I saw there was a thread about controlling the Prusa Enclosure Fan and LEDs, but that links to another controller board.


Veröffentlicht : 25/09/2024 3:20 pm
Trusted Member
RE: GPIO Project Question - Filter control

It is pretty easy actually.

If you for example have the led and fan extension board connected:


"M262 P0 B0" < switch pin 0 (fan) to output

"M264 P0 B0" < turn pin 0 to low (fan off)

"M264 P0 B1" < set pin 0 to high (fan on)

you can replace P0 with P1 for Pin 1 (led). If you haven't got any extension board, just solder a input pin to the pin 0 .. 7 header.

Veröffentlicht : 27/09/2024 1:47 pm
Trusted Member
RE: GPIO Project Question - Filter control

Example start gcode:

M262 P0 B0 ; Fan to output
M264 P0 B1 ; Fan on
M262 P1 B0 ; LED to output
M264 P1 B1 ; LED on

Example end gcode:

M264 P1 B0 ; LED off
M264 P0 B0 ; Fan off

Remember that on the  extension board, the settings can be overridden manually so make sure to turn them off beforehands (leds on board should be off), otherwise it won't work.

Veröffentlicht : 27/09/2024 2:05 pm