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why does MK4 suck so bad?!  

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Eminent Member
why does MK4 suck so bad?!

Why does my Prusa MK4 suck so bad? I cant even print the same print without chaos. I got one good print out of 3 tries. the first try (middle print) was using fw_4_7_2_MK4, so then I changed to MK4_MK3.9_firmware_5.1.0-alpha2 and got a good print. I then I tried to print it again, bad print. I use PrusaSlicer 2.6.1+win64-202309060711


Opublikowany : 16/11/2023 10:53 pm
Trusted Member
RE: why does MK4 suck so bad?!

Can you provide some more details? I've definitely had a bunch of first layer issues with mine, but when the first layer gets down nicely, everything else works fine. Seems like that's not the case for you.

Opublikowany : 17/11/2023 1:14 am
Illustrious Member

Please save your project as a .3mf file

Files > Save Project as

Zip the .3mf and post it here. It will contain both your part and your settings for us to diagnose.


Opublikowany : 17/11/2023 4:09 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:

this printer is a special type of garbage

This post was modified 11 months temu by JeffL
Opublikowany : 17/11/2023 5:14 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: why does MK4 suck so bad?!

looks like I am spending more money to fix the printer again... 


Opublikowany : 17/11/2023 5:37 am
Eminent Member
RE: why does MK4 suck so bad?!

My guess is that the developers lost the idea that reliability was a priority. Maybe Joe was out handing out tee shirts or making a YouTube video and forgot to check in to see if it worked?   I am amazed how “not ready for release” it was when they started collecting money. My Mk2 with 4000 hours is more reliable than my Mk4. It seems like most of the new features are still in the concept stage. Things like changing filament and preheating are now events instead of just hitting the button and kicking the filament out or sucking it in.

still waiting on the vapor ware mmu when they get it good enough to ship but judging from the Mk4 it will also suck

I could go on but will probably list it for sale and get a Bambu. 

it is a shame to see a great product turn to trash. Joe, put down the YouTube camera and go back to the shop!

Opublikowany : 17/11/2023 12:29 pm
JP Guitars
Reputable Member
RE: why does MK4 suck so bad?!

I'm about to ask for my money back and buy a bambu. Multiple chats with support, replaced hot end, now got three blocked nozzles that I cannot get unblocked. It breaks the filament just above the nozzle tube either on load or shortly after. Wasting loads of time and money on an expensive box cluttering up my kitchen. They have had over 1K of my money for two and a half months and I have nothing to show for it

Opublikowany : 17/11/2023 12:41 pm
Reputable Member

I don't know... Prusa seems to have an enormous quality spread with the MK4. I have mine for a month now and it's been printing more or less around the clock with different kinds of PLA and PETG - no issues at all. The first layers are perfect, the prints look as great as they can and with the new firmware for the Beagle Camera V2 I even have good video monitoring.

I am not saying that you all do something wrong or that you are lying - I am absolutely convinced that you have these issues, and I would be pissed as well. But at the very least I can say that there is a minimum of one MK4 in the world that works great and makes its owner very happy.

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Opublikowany : 17/11/2023 1:12 pm
JP Guitars
Reputable Member
RE: why does MK4 suck so bad?!

For the two days mine worked it was perfect as well. Pity about the rest of the time 😟 

Opublikowany : 17/11/2023 1:17 pm
Reputable Member
RE: why does MK4 suck so bad?!

I really feel with you, that must be quite horrible.

My models on Printables
Opublikowany : 17/11/2023 1:18 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: why does MK4 suck so bad?!

This is what PRUSA tech support says... just their typical cut and paste:

if you no longer wish to troubleshoot the printer with us, you can return it for a warranty repair (as the machine was purchased preassembled) free of charge. Our Service team will diagnose and repair it, and send you back a 100% tested and functional machine. Please keep in mind that if any issues caused by user mistreatment will be found, charges may apply (troubleshooting history with our Support will be taken into context., of course).

Opublikowany : 17/11/2023 2:05 pm
JP Guitars
Reputable Member
RE: why does MK4 suck so bad?!

Don't really care what they say in that regard. UK law puts the onous on them to prove the fault is of my causing, it also makes the credit card co I used to buy it jointly and severally liable for it. As Prusa are in Czech and credit card Co UK I won't both chasing Prusa, any argument I will just go after Mastercard.

Opublikowany : 17/11/2023 2:18 pm
Trusted Member
RE: why does MK4 suck so bad?!

I'm don't know what your expectations are from CS, but the above statement that you share with an undertone of disappointment seems reasonable to me.  They have acknowledged your issues and offered for you to send it back on their dime for an effective rebuild/replacement if necessary.  They are not even promising to charge you if user-created problems are discovered, just letting you know that it's a possibility.  It's a bummer to have problems like this, but a little flexibility could go a long way in allowing Prusa to resolve this for you.  


Opublikowany : 17/11/2023 2:30 pm
billmi i Zappes polubić
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: why does MK4 suck so bad?!


Posted by: @jp-guitars

Don't really care what they say in that regard. UK law puts the onous on them to prove the fault is of my causing, it also makes the credit card co I used to buy it jointly and severally liable for it. As Prusa are in Czech and credit card Co UK I won't both chasing Prusa, any argument I will just go after Mastercard.

They have already denied me support on my issue with the filament sensor and heatsink. They said it was user error that caused the fraying of wires, so I had to buy a new heatsink and filament sensor... Now this... I am sure they will blame it on me again. I never had these kind of issues with the years of printing on the amazing MK3 and the Mini.


Opublikowany : 17/11/2023 2:32 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: why does MK4 suck so bad?!

so now I have to replace the thermistor ... nice.

Opublikowany : 17/11/2023 4:20 pm
Trusted Member
RE: why does MK4 suck so bad?!

Or, more correctly, Prusa gets to replace the thermistor. Just send it to them and as they've offered, you'll get a functional printer back.  Yours clearly is having troubles.


Opublikowany : 17/11/2023 10:35 pm
Zappes polubić
Active Member
RE: why does MK4 suck so bad?!

I would like to add a note to this.  I feel the MK4 is very amateurish as a product.  I bought into the Prusa world with the MK4 because of all the raving online reviews but when I received the printers (I bought two for my company), I immediately saw a bunch of very amateur-level parts used to put the printer together.  I continued to give the printers the benefit of the doubt, considering all the online accolades.  After a few weeks, I have now validated my initial impression:  the MK4 is amateur-hour.

Bambu is leagues ahead of this stupid machine, both because the MK4 is a bed-slinger instead of a Core-XY, as it should be, and because it uses a bunch of poorly-made 3d-printed brackets and parts to make the printer.  I am regretting the ~2.5K I put into the Prusa universe and I can't wait to unload these lame machines so I can buy some proper machines such as those provided by Bambu.  Or some special-use Creality Core-XY machines, I don't know, but certainly not these.  I always thought from online reading that Prusa was some kind of great company with magical machines.  Turns out, they have crap machines with crappy 3d-printed components used to construct their printers.  Obviously, they're in love with their own printers, but I'm not - I think they churn out crappy parts and those same crappy parts are used in their printers, so it's a double fail for me.  Why everyone raved about them is beyond me.  They're about on-par with the Anker M5 bed-slingers; and only "on-par" because they have "input shaping" and Anker doesn't, whatever "input shaping" means.  Yes, I have an Anker M5, too, that the kids use and as far as I can tell, the Anker turns out better parts than the MK4.  I have now vowed:  never another bed-slinger, ever, ever again.  Why do people like the MK3 or MK4?  I don't know.  From my experience, with qty 2 MK4 printers, Prusa puts out a lousy example of a modern 3d printer.



Opublikowany : 06/12/2023 9:23 pm
Reputable Member

It is possible that I have low expectations of a 3D printer (the MK4 is my first one), but after 150 hours of print time, I come to a different verdict. I only had 2 failed prints in that time, and both were because PrusaSlicer's profiles for anything but Prusament seem to consistently have too high temperature settings. Apart from that, everything just works and this specific printer absolutely lives up to expectations I had when I chose that brand. The only thing that maddens me is the poor quality of the firmware 5.1.0, but I blame that on firefighting efforts for the XL issues.

Until yesterday, I had only printed PLA and PETG and one might consider those easy filament types that wouldn't show how bad the hardware actually is. But yesterday I did my first print with TPU, and it came out like this:

I think that this looks gorgeous, and the experienced people say that TPU is finnicky, so I guess it means something. If one should wonder: This is Amazon Basics TPU Red, printed with the stock 0,4mm Nextruder nozzle and the stock profile with only the temperatures lowered by 15°C with the 0,15mm structural input shaper profile.

It may be that my "mods" to the printer (alternative airduct + fan shroud) make a difference, but I don't think so. Perhaps it's because I have the printer in an enclosure and always print directly from my Sunlu S2 driers. But at least it shows that the hardware design is conceptually capable of delivering great prints, I guess.

That does not mean that I don't believe that you have issues. If you didn't have them, you wouldn't complain like that. Still, I do assume that the issues you have are not design flaws, but rather come from failed/bad parts or maybe little mistakes in the assembly. I absolutely agree that Prusa currently has a very serious problem with QC, which is probably due to all the panic around the XL. But I don't think that the basic MK4 design is fundamentally flawed.

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Opublikowany : 07/12/2023 8:09 am
Oregun i IPIND 3D polubić
Noble Member
RE: why does MK4 suck so bad?!

If you think bedslingers are per se vastly inferior to corexy machines in the size category of Mk3/4, I have the impression you should revisit advantages and disadvantages of CoreXY and Core XZ machines. 

Prusa has such a great reputation because the Mk3 has been a great plug and print machine in a time where plug and print machines with good quality control had been the exception rather than the rule. Now, one can of course reevaluate this as Prusa's QC seems to have suffered tremendously in the last 2 years and the competition has caught up and some also clearly surpassed Prusa in the plug and print and quality department. 

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Opublikowany : 07/12/2023 9:51 am
IPIND 3D polubić
Active Member
RE: why does MK4 suck so bad?!

Hmm... okay, fair enough.  I suppose I need to educate myself further on disadvantages of a core-xy machine.  I wasn't aware that core-xy had any significant downsides.  If you care to send a link to info about the tradeoffs, I would appreciate it.

I will go away to educate myself and come back after further testing on the MK4.

Opublikowany : 07/12/2023 11:50 am
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