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Multi color print without MMU  

Multi color print without MMU


I dove into printing with multiple colors, and I came across some issues or maybe misunderstanding (I have the printer for about a week...).

The aim is to have a text in the first layer of the print. I have the newest PrusaSlicer (2.9.0) and firmware (6.1.3). I added the text object the slicer, set its height to the height of one layer. I selected 2 extruders in Printer setting and associated the object and the text to the different extruders. After slicing, it shows the colors correctly. I have also added M600 to "after tool change" section of custom G-code (it doesnt ask for filament change without it). The slicer also add an extra object, I suppose that is the wipe tower.

Already here, there is first issue: slicer wants to do 2 tool changes, even though 1 should be enough (first the text, then the rest of the object).

When I start the print, the printer does the bed leveling, makes the first (cleaning?) squirt in the front left corner and asks for  change of filament, which I cannot skip, even if I have the correct one loaded. After the cleaning extrusion (which ask about the correct color), it touches at the end of the first cleaning line and directly proceed to print the object. First layer of object is printed, head comes for filament change, after which it goes back to the end of previous line, touches and then it goes to print first layer of the wipe tower and than prints the text. Same happens with the next filament change.

So my questions are:

  1. Why I need to add the M600? It already is in "Color change" section.
  2. Why I am asked to do 2 tool/filament changed (and in reality I have to do 3), even though one should be enough?
  3. Why I am asked for the initial filament change after the first squirt? And if so, why it does not print a cleaning line in the wipe tower?
  4. I did read some threads about the spots welded after the color change, but those suggested manual wipe towers. I understood that the issues were with older Slicer/firmware, but here slicer generates wipe tower on its own, but it doesn't use it as I would expect e.g. move head there after the color change.
  5. In the timers on the printer screen, there is an entry "Next change in" or something like this. But it is "N/A"; that would be actually very handy to see...

Sorry for lengthy novice post, I appreciate any suggestions, maybe I am just missing something as SW seems quite ready for this, but not quite...

Postato : 12/01/2025 11:52 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Multi color print without MMU

I suspect you have the Main Body filament as extruder 1 and the text as extruder 2
the first filament change (After mesh bed levelling but before printing)  can be removed by editing Gcode, but the mk4 uses BGCODE and I don't know if  you can edit that. 

the printer / slicer always uses filaments in the numerical order of the extruders,  so it might be better to set extruder 1 as the text colour and extruder 2 as the main body colour. 
you are effectively mixing MMU functionality and manual colour change functionality. 

the MMU Used to do mesh bed levelling, then load the filament to start printing, which I Believe is the cause of the first filament change, 
I believe the second filament change is due to having the main body filament in extruder 1   (this can be resolved as mentioned above.)

and the third filament change, is the one you really want...  to change from test to body... 

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Postato : 12/01/2025 12:27 pm