Moving to a .25 nozzle for my Mk4 - what do I need to know? Anything I need to change?
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Moving to a .25 nozzle for my Mk4 - what do I need to know? Anything I need to change?  

Eminent Member
Moving to a .25 nozzle for my Mk4 - what do I need to know? Anything I need to change?

Hello all,

I have a mk4 using the standard .4 nozzle. I have just had delivered a .25 nozzle, because I am hoping to squeeze higher quality out of the printer - I don't care about print time or speed, I just want the best looking prints that this can deliver. 


With that in mind - what settings do I need to, or should I, change to achieve this? I know there is a nozzle size setting somewhere in the printer menu, that's not what I mean - I mean more like; do I need to slow down the printer to avoid clogs at default speeds, what size should I slice at in PrusaSlicer (.05 vs .07 vs .10 ?)  - that sort of thing.


Thank you!

Opublikowany : 29/11/2023 12:12 am
Famed Member
RE: Moving to a .25 nozzle for my Mk4 - what do I need to know? Anything I need to change?

With the caveat that I haven't used a 0.25 nozzle with the Mk4 yet, only the Mk3S and the Mini:

I never noticed any issues with the 0.25 nozzle printing PLA simply using the default profiles in Prusaslicer after installing the 0.25 nozzle printer settings in the config assistant. While I don't see any value in going below 0.1 mm layer height with a 0.4 mm nozzle, with the 0.25 mm I have used 0.07 or 0.1. All depends on your vertical detail. For my models, I needed the horizontal resolution of the nozzle but I was less concerned about details in the vertical direction.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Opublikowany : 29/11/2023 5:19 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Moving to a .25 nozzle for my Mk4 - what do I need to know? Anything I need to change?

Thank you very much, I appreciate the advice. 

Opublikowany : 29/11/2023 6:39 pm