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[Solved] Sock installed menu option  

Estimable Member
Sock installed menu option

I just installed the latest v6 firmware and while I was at it I installed a sock on the hot end. I had read somewhere here on the forum about making sure to select you had a sock installed but don't know if that is in the firmware or in the slicer. Where do I choose yes or no that I have a sock installed?


Best Answer by Davebert:

Found it:

Once the silicone sock is installed on the MK4 or MK3. 9, the printer needs to be adjusted. Navigate to LCD Menu -> Settings -> Hardware -> Nextruder Silicone sock, and set it to ON. This step is not performed on the XL.

This topic was modified 9 months ago by Davebert
Posted : 21/04/2024 12:51 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Sock installed menu option

Found it:

Once the silicone sock is installed on the MK4 or MK3. 9, the printer needs to be adjusted. Navigate to LCD Menu -> Settings -> Hardware -> Nextruder Silicone sock, and set it to ON. This step is not performed on the XL.

Posted : 21/04/2024 12:59 pm