Printer reporting multiple errors after print but it prints fine?
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Printer reporting multiple errors after print but it prints fine?  

Eminent Member
Printer reporting multiple errors after print but it prints fine?

My Mk4 with MMU3 has been running flawlessly for a while but recently after every print it shows an error screen.  The message is something like "The printer has detected multiple load and unload errors.  Suggest you check your Nextruder Main Plate" and then gives a link to  That page says nothing, just gives a description of the parts.

I've replaced the main plate a couple of times and re-run gearbox calibration and eventually all the calibration routines including the MMU3 feed sensor.  I'm still getting the error screen after every print.  No prints have failed at all and the machine is running very well - apart form ending the prints with the error screen!

Is there an error log anywhere?  I seem to remember the Mk3 having one but I haven't found the Mk4 one yet.

Napsal : 27/05/2024 12:25 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Printer reporting multiple errors after print but it prints fine?

I have the same error, I also took everything apart, there were a few thread remains in the nextruder... cleaned it, still the error.... MK$ --> Settings --> Hardware ---> MMU maintenance reset.... and now it continues...error is gone in INFO --> MMU statistics were 1000 filament discharges...

Napsal : 30/05/2024 5:45 am
Desmond de Haan se líbí
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printer reporting multiple errors after print but it prints fine?

Thanks.  I think mine was dirty Finda in the end.  I'd forgotten about the maintenance reset though!

Napsal : 30/05/2024 7:43 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printer reporting multiple errors after print but it prints fine?

I should also have mentioned that in my version of the Firmware (6.0.1) it's now called Nextruder Maintenance Reminder.

Napsal : 30/05/2024 7:59 am
Dave in TXK
Active Member
RE: Printer reporting multiple errors after print but it prints fine?

I have the exact same issue, but only since I just installed the 'stable' Firmware 6.0.2 yesterday.

Napsal : 23/06/2024 1:57 am
RE: Printer reporting multiple errors after print but it prints fine?

I am having this on my Mk3.5 and there is no menu option anywhere that I can see to clear the error.

Napsal : 06/07/2024 4:58 am
RE: Printer reporting multiple errors after print but it prints fine?

MK4 MMU3. Same issue. Prints come out just fine but the error is incessant. Had the problem since 6.0.2, on 6.0.3 now.

Napsal : 19/07/2024 4:09 am
Philippe C
RE: Printer reporting multiple errors after print but it prints fine?

Same issue, had problems with the MMU3, fixed them, but the message is recurring, at the end of each print, it asks me to go to

Napsal : 09/08/2024 9:55 am
New Member
RE: Printer reporting multiple errors after print but it prints fine?

I get the same error message on my MK35 after a successful print.  There were no load, unload issues with the filament. Everything was fine.  Using latest 6.0.4+14924 (3.0.3) firmware.  Searching all forums, and Google, returns only this relevant post, that has no solution for 3.x



Napsal : 22/08/2024 3:54 am
Dave in TXK
Active Member
RE: Printer reporting multiple errors after print but it prints fine?

So has anyone talked to support about this - same error, only after installing 6.02.02 just released the last 2 days?

Napsal : 25/08/2024 3:12 am
RE: Printer reporting multiple errors after print but it prints fine?

Hi guys, read here:

Scheduled to fix in the next releases
Happy printing

Napsal : 29/08/2024 9:42 pm
RE: Printer reporting multiple errors after print but it prints fine?

I don't know about y'all, but I'm still getting this error after every print on my Mk3.5. No actual physical feeding problems - the sensor senses the filament when it's supposed to, feeds the extruder, the Finda is happy, there are no re-tries. Firmware 6.1.2/3.0.2.

Napsal : 06/12/2024 2:35 pm