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Original USB key contents - (lost key)  

Estimable Member
Original USB key contents - (lost key)

Hello - can someone zip me and store original MK4 USB key content?
I lost the key, mainly what I need is the spatula and filament guide, but I would welcome the rest also.

Napsal : 13/06/2023 9:41 am
Illustrious Member

Download sample objects at


Napsal : 13/06/2023 11:30 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Original USB key contents - (lost key)

Thanks, just the spatula is missing :-/

Posted by: @diem

Download sample objects at



Napsal : 13/06/2023 11:35 am
Ian Harris
Eminent Member
RE: Original USB key contents - (lost key)

No spatula on the USB drive that came with my Mk4:-

 Volume in drive C is Hard Disk
 Volume Serial Number is 38B6-5D23

 Directory of C:\Mk4 USB\Original USB

13/06/2023  13:39    <DIR>          .
13/06/2023  13:39    <DIR>          ..
19/03/2023  10:18           566,182 DualColor_Keychain_0.4n_0.2mm_PLA_MK4_16m.gcode
27/03/2023  13:41         3,060,288 Filament_Guide_0.4n_0.2mm_PLA_MK4_1h38m.gcode
19/03/2023  10:18           566,055 Keychain_0.4n_0.2mm_PLA_MK4_16m.gcode
27/03/2023  19:18               282 MK4 models authors.txt
27/03/2023  13:34         3,408,544 MK4_firmware_4.5.4.bbf
13/06/2023  13:33    <DIR>          RC Sandy Mini
19/03/2023  10:18        34,506,027 Robo_Alpaka_0.4n_0.2mm_PLA_MK4_7h46m.gcode
19/03/2023  10:18        44,328,418 Rocket_Engine_0.4n_0.2mm_PLA_MK4_13h17m.gcode
               8 File(s)     86,435,796 bytes
               3 Dir(s)  374,464,061,440 bytes free



Napsal : 13/06/2023 12:45 pm
Walter Layher
Noble Member

There was a gcode file for a spatula that was published together with firmware 5.0.0-alpha1. Look under "assets". But you will need this firmware to print it. It is a nice spatula.

Napsal : 13/06/2023 1:21 pm
New Member
RE: Original USB key contents - (lost key)

Just so you don't feel a bit gaslit, it came on my drive as well under the filename Spatula_Printables_0.4n_0.2mm_PLA_MK4_45m.gcode and it was actually the first file I printed under the 4.6.4 firmware.

I would just upload it myself for you here, but I don't know if prusa allows redistribution of gcodes which aren't publicly available (if someone knows whether or not that would be ok let me know). That's kind of weird that they don't really have that gcode available anywhere online from what I can tell despite the input shaping version being available (and I did a diff between those gcode files. I can confirm they are actually very different).

According to the "MK4 models authors.txt" file, the author is Vlado Turek of prusa research just like the other files like the keychain at but that didn't really help point me to a publicly available gcode file.

Napsal : 27/06/2023 9:00 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Original USB key contents - (lost key)

I had one of the first prebuilt Mk4 and it did not have the spatula on the USB but my recently received replacement printer did. Looks like it's something they started adding part way through the production cycle. I also don't remember the mini 13 model being on the original USB.

Napsal : 28/06/2023 3:23 pm
Walter Layher
Noble Member
RE: Original USB key contents - (lost key)

The spatula was released with the first 5.0.0-alpha firmware:

Napsal : 28/06/2023 3:34 pm
New Member
RE: Original USB key contents - (lost key)

You're wrong @walter-layher. I don't know what else to tell you. These are the contents on my drive. Note the firmware version of 4.6.4 (which matches the printer UI).

Note the difference in filename indicating it's not using input shaping and that it will take nearly twice as long.

This came with my assembled printer wasn't shipped until june 22nd, but either way the point is some people are now getting this drive with different contents. I'd imagine these contents will be the new standard going forward for people receiving their printers after today, and I assume prusa will eventually post that file themselves. Again I would post it, but I'd rather just wait until prusa posts it themselves (which I suspect will happen whenever firmware version 5 is out of alpha).

btw @martind I can't reply to dm's yet. Not yet at 5 posts apologies.

Napsal : 28/06/2023 5:50 pm
Walter Layher
Noble Member
RE: Original USB key contents - (lost key)

Yes, but you have a later version of the USB stick contents, you talk about June 14! I received my MK4 on April 14. This is a disk backup of the contents of the USB stick that came with it, created on May 30 with some additions made by me, e.g. the folder "IS Models", the dump files, and some later firmware versions. But no spatula file. The folder "IS Models" contains the IS versions of the models that were published together with the first firmware 5.0.0-alpha1. But sure, I am wrong! My apologies! 🙂

Napsal : 28/06/2023 10:24 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Original USB key contents - (lost key)

Then if possible send me a spatula gcode to my email I sent  you in PM

Posted by: @flyingkillerspacepixies

You're wrong @walter-layher. I don't know what else to tell you. These are the contents on my drive. Note the firmware version of 4.6.4 (which matches the printer UI).

Note the difference in filename indicating it's not using input shaping and that it will take nearly twice as long.

This came with my assembled printer wasn't shipped until june 22nd, but either way the point is some people are now getting this drive with different contents. I'd imagine these contents will be the new standard going forward for people receiving their printers after today, and I assume prusa will eventually post that file themselves. Again I would post it, but I'd rather just wait until prusa posts it themselves (which I suspect will happen whenever firmware version 5 is out of alpha).

btw @martind I can't reply to dm's yet. Not yet at 5 posts apologies.


Napsal : 29/06/2023 7:20 am
New Member
RE: Original USB key contents - (lost key)

Support said I could go ahead and share it. It actually hadn't occurred to me to check if there was actually a way to upload gcode directly to the forum lol. Apparently there is not a direct upload option.

Anyway I put it up on a gist on github here for anyone who wants it:

Support also mentioned they'd be looking into the differing usb contents.


Napsal : 02/07/2023 12:50 am