Nozzle rubbing print when moving along X-axis [w/ video]
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Nozzle rubbing print when moving along X-axis [w/ video]  

Eminent Member
Nozzle rubbing print when moving along X-axis [w/ video]

I've been having pretty nonstop shifting issues with my MK4, they used to always be on the same layer of a print but now they are more random.  As you can see/hear in the video the nozzle is hitting pretty hard along the x axis when the nozzle is moving in the back for the shell[is that the correct term?].

I'm running 2.7 and 5.1 firmware.  I've had the shifting issues since I upgraded to 5.0 but it still happens even if I don't use IS. 

From the video it appears as if the bed is possibly not level but I don't understand why it's not doing it when it's printing the infill and I've had other prints that were in the front of the bed have the same issue. 

I have this issue when printing with PLA or PETG.

Thanks so much for your time and help.


Posted : 26/11/2023 7:25 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Nozzle rubbing print when moving along X-axis [w/ video]

Here is a really bad video of the print lines where it was rubbing.

Posted : 26/11/2023 7:41 pm
Active Member
RE: Nozzle rubbing print when moving along X-axis [w/ video]

Usually when you get issues on one side of the print like this it's down to the cooling not being equal, or from equal directions to the print direction, if that makes sense?

Printing left to right with a single fan on the left side blowing right will print differently that right to left for instance... the issue being on the rear edge seems to point to this type of issue?  the infill is rising up and leaving a protruding blob which is also overlapping the inner wall, (so it sticks to the wall better) then when it reprints the next wall it catches on all of these raised blobs...   various causes and many fixes really, depending on the cause.

You could start with turning the print 45' degrees, see it that changes anything, if the fault remains at the back of the model but around the corner, then it certainly temp / fan / cooling related...  or you have a bad draft that way...   if it follows your print, then you'll need to start looking at the slicer settings in more detail... such as infill speed - slow it down / Infill overlap - reduce it / Infill type - try another / Order of print - walls > infill / Extrusion flow factor% - reduce it by 2-4%.

Start with those and see how you get on.... I think spinning the print in the slicer 45' will surprise you.  😉

Posted : 27/11/2023 11:17 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Nozzle rubbing print when moving along X-axis [w/ video]

I've been having this issue a lot since IS and I can print just fine without IS enabled. Unfortunately this print won't fit even if I rotate it 5 degrees.  I'll try rotating another one of my prints to see what happens. Most of the objects I have been printing lately are some type of rectangle so maybe long lines are more prone?  The rubbing was also on the other lines closer to the front but not nearly as bad.  A small amount was starting to happen in the left corner closest to the front.  I guess for now I'll just disable IS and try to be patient while they work out the kinks.  Thanks for the reply.

Posted : 29/11/2023 3:37 pm