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MK4 - filament not going from nozzle  

MK4 - filament not going from nozzle

I am printing and in some moment (not same every time) the filament stops coming from nozzle but the print continues until the end. There are clicking sounds from nextruder. I bought MK4 recently as an assembled kit. Print some models but last week this happening. When I stop the print and click "Purge filament", filament is going into nozzle but not coming out and transparent bubbles are going from the nozzle.

Checked nozzle, not clogged. Also tried cold pull + 280 temperature and waited, nothing came out. When I unload filament and load it again, it works, but I cannot finish any print.

I also opened idler and there is no filament leftovers on extruder wheel (checked whole with pliers). Using Prusaments (PETG + PLA - both issue).

Napsal : 21/08/2023 12:35 pm
Active Member
RE: MK4 - filament not going from nozzle

I almost the same problem! I realigned the gears took the next nextruder apart and cleaned the gears, tried to find the right tension for the screws with springs but no luck so far. The wierd thing is that it printed fine for a few prints but started with this clicking thing last print.

Napsal : 23/08/2023 8:53 am
RE: MK4 - filament not going from nozzle


I have almost the same problem.I assembled the kit on Saturday and put it into operation on Sunday. It always prints for a while, then no more filament comes. But it does not clack. If I then press the filament with hand supporting with some pressure pure, everything is fine again. This is completely sporadic error occurrence.Can anyone help me here?

Thanks in advance

Napsal : 28/08/2023 6:35 am
Active Member
RE: MK4 - filament not going from nozzle

I just had the same issue. The print completed "successfully" though at some point the print continued without extracting filament...

Napsal : 24/09/2023 6:46 pm
Active Member
RE: MK4 - filament not going from nozzle

It seems like this is a known problem, from the handbook:

״4.10.4. After a few hours of printing, the nozzle stops extruding filament

Solution: First, check if the filament isn't tangled. If it's not the case, unload it, wait for the printer to cool down and then remove the hotend from the extruder (see for exact instructions) and check if the steel filament guide isn't deformed. This might happen when you overtighten the thumbscrews. Another possibility is that the nozzle is clogged or blocked.

Check the Troubleshooting section of this handbook or look for detailed instructions at״

Napsal : 24/09/2023 7:06 pm
Active Member
RE: MK4 - filament not going from nozzle

I solved my problem!the nozzle was clogged and no amount of cold pulling or running it on high temp could solve it. I bought the noclogger tool, inserted it into the nozzle pushed out quite some old filament and voila no more slipping on the gears and everything extruded fine.

Napsal : 24/09/2023 8:06 pm