Firmware 5.1 woes on a MK4
With firmware 5.1 upgrade on my MK4 Y axis calibration test began to fail, displayed forward travel distance of 211. Last evening I spent hours trying to verify axis bearing alignment, belt tension, including about 60 minutes with Prusa help chat session…tried and tried to no avail.
Unfortunately the y axis calibration test would not pass.
This morning, I read the this forum, tried the 2-3 mm shim during the y axis calibration test, again to no avail, the test failed.
Downgraded the firmware to version 5.0.1. Y axis calibration test passed the first time.
Prusa chat help may want to consider reading this forum on a daily basis and having a daily scrum meeting to share lessons learned from their users.
RE: Firmware 5.1 woes on a MK4
Ditto for MK4 firmware version 5.1.2…just installed this latest version…. Y axis calibration test fails
downgrading to 5.0.1
RE: Firmware 5.1 woes on a MK4
Après le montage du kit Mk4, l'étalonnage de l'axe y échoue: le plateau se déplace vers l'avant et s'arrête en indiquant y=211. La tension de la courroie ne change rien. Le chat ne connaît sûrement pas ce problème qui est dû certainement à la version 5.1.0 du firmware.
RE: Firmware 5.1 woes on a MK4
I downloaded the latest firmware and just continued to print why does everyone have problems with calibration?
RE: Firmware 5.1 woes on a MK4
No problem here.
Just updated and everything works as before.
RE: Firmware 5.1 woes on a MK4
Jacques you are brilliant beautiful man!!
I just updated to firmware 5.1.2 and failed the y-axis test during calibration. I noticed the test seemed a bit different, to be honest I'd never really paid that much attention to the test steps (because it has never ever failed before!) - the test pulls the bed back and does a double tap in the end, but then it moves it forward a little fast and just slams it to the limit. Anyhow, I didn't have wooden matches but a pair of wooden toothpicks did the trick!. Thank you again!
Jacques tu es génial, bel homme !!
Je viens de mettre à jour le firmware 5.1.2 et j'ai échoué au test de l'axe y lors de l'étalonnage. J'ai remarqué que le test semblait un peu différent, pour être honnête, je n'avais jamais vraiment prêté autant d'attention aux étapes du test (car il n'a jamais échoué auparavant !) - le test tire le lit vers l'arrière et fait un double tapotement à la fin. , mais ensuite il le fait avancer un peu vite et le pousse jusqu'à la limite. De toute façon, je n'avais pas d'allumettes en bois mais une paire de cure-dents en bois a fait l'affaire !. Merci encore!
RE: Firmware 5.1 woes on a MK4
just had the same happen to mine.
it's been printing fine, then i did a firmware update, now it fails x and y calibration test, and seems to be FORCING the x axis to go further to the right, making the teeth on the gear slip. then it fails going back with the y, skips and forces it a few times, tries to go forward, and just stops and says test failed.
RE: Firmware 5.1 woes on a MK4
Dobrý den. Poradil by někdo, jak aktualizovat firmware5.1 na MK4 Děkuji
RE: Firmware 5.1 woes on a MK4
As a newbie, still learning the dance floor routines…I will go to GitHub and vote for the logged bugs against the y axis failure. I am big proponent of open source and a bigger fan of Prusa…both are dominant reasons why I purchased a MK4 kit.
RE: Firmware 5.1 woes on a MK4
take your usb from the printer plug it in the computer down load the file to the usb take it out of the computer plug it in the printer turn on printer it will detect new firmware and down load it is this enough information for you
RE: Firmware 5.1 woes on a MK4
Dobrý den. Poradil by někdo, jak aktualizovat firmware5.1 na MK4 Děkuji
RE: Firmware 5.1 woes on a MK4
Dobrý den. Poradil by někdo, jak aktualizovat firmware5.1 na MK4 Děkuji
Look at printed manual (Handbook), chapter 4.11, page 32 in CZ version "Příručka 3D tiskaře". Bundled with printer and downloadable here:
Mrkni se do návodu, kapitola 4.11, strana 32 v české verzi "Příručka 3D tiskaře" přibalené k tiskárně a stáhnutelné zde:
RE: Firmware 5.1 woes on a MK4
Dobrý den. v PrusaSliceru 2.7.1 mi ukládá do bGcode, ale tiskárna vidí jen Gcode .
mohl Poradil by někdo, co stím DěKuji
Na tiskárně musí být nový FW, nevím z hlavy jaká verze, ale 5.1 bude 100% ok.
There have to be new FW on the printer, IDK which version, however 5.1 will be 100% ok.
//Nicméně v AJ diskusi by sis ty dotazy do AJ mohl přeložit translátorem sám, když ještě neumíš AJ. Jinak je tu i české fórum.
//Translate your question to EN in EN forum in translator yourself...
RE: Firmware 5.1 woes on a MK4
i am having these issue with the MK4 5.1 firmware too. Fails the Y axis calibration ... also i see that in homing the X axis keeps failing, where in the calibration it passed.
How do you go about downgrading the firmware back to 5.0 ... which was the last one where i had no issues. When i try to downgrade the printer doesn't load file?
RE: Firmware 5.1 woes on a MK4
I am having the same issues and was trying to downgrade to the older firmware 5.0... how do you go about doing this?
Thanks for any assistance on this...have a good one!
RE: Firmware 5.1 woes on a MK4
[BUG] Firmware 5.1: Printer fails Geometry self-test when it does not on 5.0.1 · Issue #3532 · prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware-Buddy · GitHub
I joined GitHub and noted this bug. I added myself as a participant to this logged bug.
RE: Firmware 5.1 woes on a MK4
As suggested on one of the other threads, I used 2 toothpicks and put it at the furthest right, then the front when each were calibrating and that made it enough to trigger the sensor and pass the test.
just had the same happen to mine.
it's been printing fine, then i did a firmware update, now it fails x and y calibration test, and seems to be FORCING the x axis to go further to the right, making the teeth on the gear slip. then it fails going back with the y, skips and forces it a few times, tries to go forward, and just stops and says test failed.
RE: Firmware 5.1 woes on a MK4
Downgrade steps at page 32 in user guide in orange frame:
To force a firmware installation (e.g. if you need to load an older firmware), insert the USB drivecontaining the desired .BBF file, restart the printer, wait for the logo to show up and press andhold the control button during the system startup until the firmware installation screen appears.