Display-unit over LAN
Is there any chance to put the MK4's display in a separate room? I would need it in my office rather than directly attached to the printer...
RE: Display-unit over LAN
That's what prusa links ment to do
Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out https://www.printables.com/@Hello_474427/models
RE: Display-unit over LAN
I am aware of PrusaLink and similar software like Octoprint. What I was asking was if the physical display could be detached and used somewhere else.
RE: Display-unit over LAN
Moving the display to another would make operations like filament changes super cumbersome. I can’t help with that but I’m super curious what functionality you need in another room? PrusaLink does not have much functionality but Prusa Connect has a lot more, everything I need. Have you tried that?