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Clogged Nextruder Nozzle Adapter? o0  

Active Member
Clogged Nextruder Nozzle Adapter? o0

Hey guys,

title says it. I had a print fail due to clogging on Friday. I was printing with Extrudr GreenTech Pro Carbon at 225 °C on a hardened Zodiac 0.4 mm nozzle. Never had any issues with this filament, nozzle or setup.


Naturally I thought the nozzle itself was clogged from a fiber knot in the filament or something, printing CF on 0.4 mm is pushing it a little as I understand.


However, after disassembly I discovered the following:

The nozzle had been covered with a thin layer of cold plastic, that was now sticking out of the adapter. Looked like a piece of filament, but was basically a very brittle, thin tube, that broke away when I touched it.

This layer though stretches about 10 mm into the adapter, covering the inside with a thin layer of material.

Any idea of this might have happened and, more importantly, how to clean this up without messing up the adapter?



Napsal : 06/08/2023 8:12 am
Ty se líbí