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Any way to change the Z Offset?  

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Mark Blasco
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Any way to change the Z Offset?

Why they won't give you a Z-offset calibration on the machine really is baffling.

I found, now that I have 4 MK4 machines, that one of them was really far off, but at some point I loosened all of the screws that attached to the load cell, and all of a sudden it worked much better.  It may be worth removing the front fan, loosening up all of the screws, and tightening things down again, maybe not quite as tight, and see if that helps.

I also had one unit that just wouldn't level correctly, even after trying this.  I ordered a new load cell part and replaced it, which solved the issue.


Opublikowany : 25/10/2024 4:17 pm
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