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y axis shift and missed layers  

Active Member
y axis shift and missed layers

Hey peeps,

I'm having and issue printing wing sections for an RC plane using colorfabb LW PLA. It appears that the printer is randomly not printing a layer which causes a slight shift and poor adhesion. I thought it might be the LW PLA foaming in the nozzle, but have turned off retractions. Happens at higher flow rates also. 

I also am having issues with y axis layer shift. I'm not sure if the two might be related. Layer skipping happens with wing oriented along x axis (in order to minimize y axis shift) also. I increased temp without improvement and other layers seem to be fused together well.

general settings are:

temp 235, flow 0.51-0.6, speed 23mm/s, retract 0, layer 0.3, lift 0.1



Napsal : 10/05/2024 5:17 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: y axis shift and missed layers

I forgot to add that I've,

checked belt tension, checked for obstructions to y axis, checked grub screws on y axis drive gear, checked for smooth movement of bearings and print bed

Napsal : 10/05/2024 5:28 pm