Is it Safe for the Printer to Shut Down with a Warm Nozzle?
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Is it Safe for the Printer to Shut Down with a Warm Nozzle?  

Eminent Member
Is it Safe for the Printer to Shut Down with a Warm Nozzle?


  I have recently become the proud owner of the MK4 Kit and am already printing with pleasure. So my question is, is it safe to unplug the printer with an uncooled nozzle? I noticed that if after printing we give a command to remove the filament from the extruder, the nozzle maintains temperature and does not cool down. Maybe it's ready to load a new filament? But I remove the filament if I'm not going to print anything soon and I don't know, how is it correct to shutdown printer? So far I've shutdown the printer twice with a nozzle temperature of about 200 degrees. If I finish printing a 3d model and does nothing then the fans cool the nozzle. The problem is after unloading the filament that the fan does not turn on to cool down before I turn off the printer.I hope you understood me. My english is not very good. Thanks in advance!

Greetings to all colleagues! 🙂 🥂 

Napsal : 10/12/2023 5:18 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Is it Safe for the Printer to Shut Down with a Warm Nozzle?

 I don't have a Mk4, but I believe that the preheat menu has an option at the bottom, to 'cooldown'
so you should be able to eject the filament then select cool down. 
Mind you, if the nozzle is empty, you could probably just turn the printer off... 
regards Joan 

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 10/12/2023 5:46 pm
MaVeRa se líbí
Famed Member
RE: Is it Safe for the Printer to Shut Down with a Warm Nozzle?

From answers to that question posed before, it's like asking whether you should use a sock or not. People have their beliefs, and I'm not going to argue them. I for one have never bothered to cool the nozzle down, over years of printing on many machines, and have never had an issue with it.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Napsal : 10/12/2023 7:31 pm
MaVeRa se líbí
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Is it Safe for the Printer to Shut Down with a Warm Nozzle?

Thank you for your help! I appreciate that.

  I saw in the "Filament" menu that there is a cooling option. And I think that as long as the parts can withstand hours of printing without the fans on, I don't need to worry about turning off the machine without the nozzle being cooled. 😊 🍻 

Napsal : 10/12/2023 8:52 pm
Noble Member
RE: Is it Safe for the Printer to Shut Down with a Warm Nozzle?

I always let the nozzle cool down and out of habit wait until its termperature is below 50°C (which is also when the fan stops spinning). If you just shut down at operating temperature, there is the risk of heat creep up the heatbreak as it is not actively cooled anymore. It could very well be that, if heating stops at the same time as active cooling, that the heat is not enough to really cause any problems but you are certainly on the safe side if you simply let the hotend cool down first before shutting off the active cooling by pulling the plug. 

I don't know the settings with the Mk4 but I am surprised it does not automatically cool-down after a finsihed print. If it doesn't, it is very easy to add the cooldown command in your slicer to the end of print g-code section. 

Should you have a clogged heat break you probably have to disassemble your extruder. 

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Napsal : 11/12/2023 9:16 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Is it Safe for the Printer to Shut Down with a Warm Nozzle?

The printer cools down after a completed 3D print! It does not cool down if you activate the function to remove the filament after finishing printing! In this case, the nozzle remains warm, but we have already clarified the problem above in the topic. Greetings!

Napsal : 11/12/2023 10:08 am
Active Member
RE: Is it Safe for the Printer to Shut Down with a Warm Nozzle?

I don't know the settings with the Mk4 but I am surprised it does not automatically cool-down after a finsihed print.

It does automatically cool down once the print finishes, but if you unload the filament the hotend stays hot once the filament is unloaded "waiting" until you insert the new filament. In order to cooldown you have to go into the preheat menu and select cooldown.

In my opinion this doesn't make much sense because I selected to unload my filament, not change it. There for it would make sense if the printer kept the hotend hot if I selected the "change filament" option but not the "unload filament" one.

Napsal : 11/12/2023 10:43 am