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How do I Convert Order Number to Date & Time???
How do I convert my MK4 kit order number to a date and time?
I know I've seen this on the forum but can't seen to find it.
Best Answer by jkavalik:
There are many ways (it is a standard conding of datetime for programmers) but a simple webpage can do that for you -
Napsal : 27/05/2023 4:53 pm
RE: How do I Convert Order Number to Date & Time???
There are many ways (it is a standard conding of datetime for programmers) but a simple webpage can do that for you -
Napsal : 27/05/2023 5:24 pm
RE: How do I Convert Order Number to Date & Time???
Why and How does an 3rd part company have Prusa's ordering information?
Napsal : 14/09/2023 4:01 pm
RE: How do I Convert Order Number to Date & Time???
It's just a timestamp.
Napsal : 14/09/2023 5:00 pm