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6.0.0 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4  

Jan Kratochvíl
Member Admin
6.0.0 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4


  • Touch support (MK4/MK3.9/MK3.5)
  • Stuck filament detection (MK4/MK3.9)
  • Stealth mode (MK4/MK3.9/MK3.5/MINI)
  • MMU3 support for the (MK4/MK3.9/MK3.5)
  • MMU3 firmware auto-update (MK4/MK3.9/MK3.5)
  • Cold Pull (MK4/MK3.9)
  • Time Zone settings updated (MK4/MK3.9/MK3.5/MINI)
  • Bed Level Correction (MK3.5, MINI)
  • Revised Control menu (MINI)
  • MCU temperature (MINI)
  • Improvements by the Prusa community
  • Bug fixes
  • Known issues

This is the stable release of firmware 6.0.0 featuring major changes and improvements. This release is recommended to all owners of:

  • Original Prusa MK4
  • Original Prusa MK3.9
  • Original Prusa MK3.5
  • Original Prusa MK4 & MMU3
  • Original Prusa MK3.9 & MMU3
  • Original Prusa MK3.5 & MMU3
  • Original Prusa MINI & MINI+

Note: Original Prusa XL was released earlier today as a release candidate. Read the full XL changelog here. A stable release is expected soon.

If you are not using alpha/beta releases, upgrading from previous versions will give you plenty of new options and features to dig into. We’re covering everything important in these release notes, including changes introduced in the previous release candidates (RC).

Previous releases:

Touch support (MK4/MK3.9/MK3.5)

The touchscreen has been part of MK4/MK3.9/MK3.5 from the very beginning of the production (which is also true XL). We wanted to make the touch controls a worthy and useful addition to the current control scheme and took our time to do it right. Also, during the development phase, prior to the official launch, we encountered a couple of challenges. Resolving them required extensive collaboration with our suppliers, multiple rounds of testing, and numerous adjustments to the firmware which added to the total development time.

Please note you have to manually enable the touch feature from the menu. Navigate to Settings -> User interface -> Touch.

With the touch enabled you'll be able to control the majority of items on the screen. You can swipe your finger up and down to scroll through the menus. Swiping left or right (depending on your preference) takes you one step back in the menu hierarchy.

There are some exceptions where the knob must be used, such as when setting the target temperature manually or while moving with any of the axes.

Tip: If you experience issues with the touch, please enable the Touch Sig Workaround option in the menu. Navigate to Settings -> User Interface -> Touch Sig Workaround

Note: MINI and MINI+ do not have a touch layer integrated into the screen, therefore adding touch support via a firmware update is not possible.

Stuck filament detection (MK4/MK3.9)

Starting from this release, the loadcell sensor in the Nextruder will not only be used for the mesh bed leveling but also for detecting whether the filament is stuck and not moving (e.g. when the nozzle is clogged).

When certain conditions are met, the print will be paused, filament unloaded and the system will notify you that the filament was most likely stuck. Once you check the filament, reload it back to the Nextruder, and then you can resume the print job.

It is important to note that detecting stuck filament is possible only inside the Nextruder, as pressure builds up from the nozzle to the upper part of the Nextruder. However, if your filament is tangled on the spool, there will be no internal pressure, just outside tension, which the loadcell won't be able to recognize.

Note: Stuck filament detection won't be possible on MK3.5 and MINI/MINI+ as they aren't equipped with the loadcell sensor.

Stealth mode (MK4/MK3.9/MK3.5/MINI)

Similar to the MK3 family, we are introducing Stealth mode, which will make your printer even quieter. This can be useful for example for overnight prints. You can switch between Normal and Stealth mode even during the print. Keep in mind that the mode will be activated once several G-code commands in the buffer (printer memory) are processed.

Once the Stealth mode is enabled, the firmware sets a limit to acceleration, feedrate, and jerk values. Setting a cap on these parameters will lower the noise. While this reduces noise, it also affects the overall printing time.

In addition to Stealth mode, we are also adding support for the M73 G-code. You can find more information in this article. To apply the G-code M73 properly, you have to reslice or edit your existing G-codes, make sure you are using PrusaSlicer 2.7.4 and the latest print profiles.

MMU3 support for the (MK4/MK3.9/MK3.5)

The firmware 6.0.0 unites support for the MK4/MK3.9 (introduced in 6.0.0-RC1) and MK3.5 (introduced in 5.2.1). It is important to note that each printer requires its own hardware upgrades as well as firmware versions to function properly with the MMU3.

MMU firmware compatibility (file is included below):

  • FW3.0.3+896.hex - compatible with MK4, MK3.9, MK3.5

MMU3 firmware auto-update (MK4/MK3.9/MK3.5)

This firmware sets a base for the upcoming feature allowing you to update the MMU3 unit firmware from the printer. Currently, you have to connect a Micro USB cable to the control board in the MMU3 and update the firmware manually using PrusaSlicer.

Starting firmware 6.0.0 the printers with xBuddy mainboards (MK4, MK3.9 and MK3.5) will be soon able to flash the MMU3 unit automatically. The MMU3 firmware will be from now on always a part of the printer's firmware, so once you flash the printer’s firmware, the MMU will be updated as well.

However, to enable this functionality, you have to update the bootloader in the MMU3 unit's control board. This is a significant change to the entire MMU ecosystem and we are currently running extensive tests covering all possible scenarios to ensure a flawless experience.

These tests are expected to be finished soon. The new bootloader will be then flashed to all MMU3 leaving the factory and also uploaded to GitHub and for all existing MMU3 users.

Note: This feature is not supported on the MK3S+. If you want to enjoy the MMU3 auto-update feature, consider upgrading your printer to the MK3.5, M3.9 or MK4. Upgrade packages are available at the Prusa e-shop.

Cold Pull (MK4/MK3.9)

The Cold Pull method is a popular method used for unclogging or cleaning your extruder. Starting from this release, you can take advantage of a new feature that will guide you through the entire process using a step-by-step Wizard and provide assistance.

Note: Support for other Prusa printers is planned in a future release as soon as their implementation of the cold pull method is ready.

Time Zone settings updated (MK4/MK3.9/MK3.5/MINI)

This release increases the timezone hour offset range up to +14 hours and also introduces a timezone minutes option to select a timezone offset in minutes (0 min, 30 min, and 45 min).

This addresses issues #3550#1779 and #3141.

Bed Level Correction (MK3.5, MINI)

This feature, originally introduced on the Original Prusa MK3 as an addition to the Mesh Bed Leveling (MBL), allowed experienced users to further compensate for any imperfections on the heatbed. The bed level correction gathers user data on how to adjust Z height in four directions around the plate (front, left, back, right) and then changes mesh bed leveling values through linear interpolation.

In most cases, this manual correction is unnecessary as MBL will handle compensation automatically. To adjust settings visit Control -> Bed Level Correction.

Revised Control menu (MINI)

To unite the user experience across all printers with the Buddy firmware, this release brings a revised Control menu on the MINI, where all tests were moved into the Calibrations & Tests submenu together with First Layer Calibration.

MCU temperature (MINI)

The MCU temperature is now available in the Sensor info menu.

Improvements by the Prusa community

Once again, thanks to the active members of the community, we have improved the firmware with two new pull requests (#3766, and #3779). Kudos to the user @bkerler!

Bug fixes

  • A bug #3890 in the firmware 5.2.2 causing a shorter loading sequence into the MK3.5 MMU3 setup is now fixed.
  • The previous release was missing an option to “Preload All” five filaments into the MMU unit and allowed to preload only one filament at a time. This is now fixed.
  • Opening the Input Shaper (IS) menu was disabled by accident in the previous release, although the IS was still functioning. This restores the user's ability to open the menu and view the currently applied filters and frequencies. All values are currently set automatically, with manual adjustment planned for future releases.
  • During the filament loading procedure, the “STOP” button wasn't working properly. This is now fixed.
  • The FINDA status (ON/OFF) in the case of the MMU3 was not translated into German. This release fixes it.
  • This firmware release sets the maximum nozzle temperature for MINI to 280 °C. #3605

Known issues

  • After multiple consequent power panics (power outages), the MK3.5 might not return to the correct Z-axis coordinate. This is a rare scenario from our laboratory tests. A typical single or double power outage works correctly.

Release notes:

This topic was modified 11 months ago by Jan Kratochvíl
Posted : 16/04/2024 5:14 pm
Mr.B, Sembazuru and Jay liked
Trusted Member

Installed 6.0.0 it yesterday via connect. Without any problems. Also the WiFi updated worked without flaws. Just took some time before it regained the ip address. I have the feeling, that the printer is somewhat quieter/smoother. (Not silent mode 😁)

time until filamentchange works well.


touch display is really responsive. But I’m so used to the knob, right now I’m hardly using the touch display 😎

This post was modified 11 months ago by Ckobar
Posted : 20/04/2024 1:24 pm

upgrade works also like a charm for me (printer + wifi module), but after upgrade i cannot use prusalink anymore. site is reachable and website frame is showing but there are no values and also none of the buttons are working.
i reverted back to 5.1.3 and everything works again, so there is something not working with this firmware

This post was modified 11 months ago by bubblebasti
Posted : 20/04/2024 5:14 pm
Trusted Member
RE: 6.0.0 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4

I found out, that the time until change ist not displayed, if im am printig with the "virtual" multi-extruder setting.

In the display it shows NV (german)   "not available" ??


Posted : 22/04/2024 12:43 pm
RE: 6.0.0 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4

Installed just fine. But having severe under extrusion post firmware update. Going to rollback and recheck. 

Posted : 24/04/2024 1:09 am
Reputable Member
RE: 6.0.0 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4

6.0 release working fine except:

1. BSOD on power up occasionally.   One or two resets needed to clear.

2. No longer able to upload a gcode file over wifi while another file is printing.   This was a feature I enjoyed.  It errors out with various errors and even pauses the print.  It even faulted with USB full message loading a 1.8mb file with 15GB open on the thumb drive. 

Waiting for 6.0.1 now. 

Posted : 24/04/2024 10:17 pm
jfulton3 liked
RE: 6.0.0 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4

I am getting a lot of BSOD and printer freezing during a print.  About 80% of the prints I have tried since upgrading to 6.0.0 firmware have failed because of this.  Usually the USB drive is disconnected before a print finishes and the printer crashes shortly after. Other times the printer crashes before the print starts.  I have tried 3 different USB flash drives, 2 of them being Samsung USB drives.

Posted : 24/04/2024 10:27 pm
Active Member
RE: 6.0.0 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4

Got a new MK4 these days and immediately upgraded to 6.0.0 ...  dangerous?

Now my USB Stick is ruined. Can't access it on MK4 and the same with a PC. Probably there was a writing access while I removed it?

Now I'm looking for a download file to replace the original content. Should have made a backup of the stick's content first.

Posted : 25/04/2024 6:58 am
Reputable Member
RE: 6.0.0 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4


Posted by: @dj1mv

Got a new MK4 these days and immediately upgraded to 6.0.0 ...  dangerous?

Now my USB Stick is ruined. Can't access it on MK4 and the same with a PC. Probably there was a writing access while I removed it?

Now I'm looking for a download file to replace the original content. Should have made a backup of the stick's content first.

All you need on the stick is the .ini file you created and edited for the wifi.  All the rest is demo files.   I replaced the original USB stick with what I consider a better one.  

Posted : 25/04/2024 1:37 pm
Reputable Member
RE: 6.0.0 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4

Found the core cause of my 6.0.0 BSOD at startup.  If the Beagle V2 camera is plugged into the buddy board, but not powered, you may get a BSOD when powering on.     I would unplug the camera from the buddy board if you don't want it powered up.   Easy fix.  Reported on Github.   Now running without any BSOD making sure camera is powered on. 

Posted : 01/05/2024 7:57 pm
Antimix liked
Eminent Member
RE: 6.0.0 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4

I flashed my Mk4 to 6.0.0 last night, and was immediately no longer able to print. When I would attempt to print, I would get an "unable to clean nozzle" error; which I had never, ever seen before in thousands of prints. I unloaded and reloaded filament, same error. Rebooted, unloaded and reloaded filament, same error.

I went back to 5.13 without unloading and reloading the filament from the last attempt -i.e. in the same failing state from the last 6.0 attempt - and it immediately resumed printing normally, no problem. 

Posted : 03/05/2024 3:26 pm
Active Member
RE: 6.0.0 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4


I really like how my prints turn out with the new update! But I didn‘t notice that much of decrease of the voice level conpared to the MK3 with and without the stealth mode. Maybe my prints are to small(1/4 of the print bed)?


In addition to that. I was wondering, if phase stepping will come to the MK4?





Posted : 03/05/2024 5:04 pm
RE: 6.0.0 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4

I reverted back to firmware 5.1.3 over the weekend.  Then support suggested try flashing 6.0.0 again through Prusa Connect.  I did this and the printer has been working great since Monday.

Posted : 03/05/2024 9:31 pm
Reputable Member
RE: 6.0.0 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4

Posted by: @jbroggio

I flashed my Mk4 to 6.0.0 last night, and ..... I would get an "unable to clean nozzle" error; which I had never, ever seen before in thousands of prints. I unloaded and reloaded filament, same error. Rebooted, unloaded and reloaded filament, same error.

I went back to 5.13 without unloading and reloading the filament from the last attempt -i.e. in the same failing state from the last 6.0 attempt - and it immediately resumed printing normally, no problem. 

I also just updated to the 6.0.0, and today printed one MMU3 part I forgot to print, and:

The print worked very well with no issue but.... the piece was too high and thin and it detached from the plate at 10% remaining, starting spaghetti 😡 .Luckily I was near the printer, and immediately cancelled the part from the LCD (dont't ask me why I just cancelled the whole print), so the print stopped. This was the first time I saw the partial deletion on a print with just one object.I reprinted the part, and the printer re-started the print in hot way (e.g. I did not give time to the nozzle to cold and the plate was still 85°)The printer just waited the nozzle cooled to reach 175° (instead of waiting while heating it up... may do the difference ? 🙄 )Then it started an unusual cleaning nozzle process that took lot of time and ended in "unable to clean nozzle" error!I retried the print, and the printer performed an anomalous homing/recalibration  of all axes (it had never do that)The it got the same "unable to clean nozzle" error.I Pressed RESET and rebooted the printer.Then I restarted the print and all worked fine. Note that this time the nozzle has the time to cool down and did not started hot. 😉 

Now I am printing another MMU3 part. Let's see what happen. Note that:

I am sending the file through PrusaSlicer, the USB is on the printer.I am connected to PrusaConnect where I can monitor the status.I am using the original USB dongle.

May be the calibration/probe/nozzle cleaning process does not work with the bed at 85° 😕 ..



Posted : 04/05/2024 6:56 pm
RE: 6.0.0 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4

I ordered the MK4 upgrade for my MK3S back in April 2023, it was delivered in October 2023 and I have just now belatedly done the upgrade.

So having completed the build, the first thing I did was to update the USB Flash Drive with the latest version 6 Firmware which  then I plugged into the MK4. I switched it on for the first time and it asked me to confirm the firmware update which I did. The firmware updated and then it went into to the calibration and tests.

The fans passed oK as did the X-Axis. The Y-Axis failed. So having reviewed posts on the forum, I figured the two bearings on the Y-Carriage might not have been close enough. I partially dismantled the printer to resolve this and put it back together. I then restarted the calibration and tests. Again the Y-Axis failed. So I pressed on and then the Z-Axis test after the sensor tapping wouldn't complete. The Z-Axis went to the top and then came down and stopped about ~7 cms above the print bed? I was puzzled by this as using manual control I could lower the Z-axis to just above the print bed OK. 🤔 

So I then decided to downgrade the firmware to Version 5.0  that originally came on the USB Flash Drive and when completed reran the calibration and tests. 

It then ran through perfectly and everything checked out OK. 🙂 

I have subsequently updated to Firmware 5.1.3 with no problems.

Just wondering that having now done the calibration if it would be safe for me to try version 6.0 firmware again?

Posted : 06/05/2024 1:11 pm