Y Axis Test Constantly Failing
Our university just got a preassembled MK4. On the setup wizard, everything went with flying colours. The first print I did was with the spatula that came preloaded and on, and on the y-axis, it kept offsetting a little bit forward and a little bit back, with no apparent pattern. I then printed a part with a constant hole running through it, and it was shifting back and forward so much that the hole was completely filled in when the print was done.
I then reran the XY test, and the Y test failed. I retensioned the belts using the web app, I made sure the ball bearings weren't touching the wall, I moved them to the middle, to the other extreme, and back, even had them JUUUUST barely not touch, nothing. I relubbed everything, even though it was all running smoothly. I even tried downgrading the firmware based on some people's issues.
I have no idea what else to try or what the problem could be. Some help please?
Best Answer by Filip Ivanis:
After contacting support, they quickly solved the problem. I dismounted the Y-axis motor and the pulley on the motor shaft was completely loose.
I just followed the instructions detailed in step 32 of the assembly guide.
What lovely support. I hope this can potentially help someone else as well
RE: Y Axis Test Constantly Failing
Contact Prusa support via the chat function. They've been very helpful to me on a couple of occasions.
RE: Y Axis Test Constantly Failing
After contacting support, they quickly solved the problem. I dismounted the Y-axis motor and the pulley on the motor shaft was completely loose.
I just followed the instructions detailed in step 32 of the assembly guide.
What lovely support. I hope this can potentially help someone else as well
RE: Y Axis Test Constantly Failing
Glad to hear that! Prusa support is part of what we get for the price of their printers. Important and valuable.