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Tube Bowden PTFE  

Tube Bowden PTFE



I had to place my coil on its side and I have to use a PTFE tube, the problem is that when I put a connection on the thread, the MK4 printer no longer goes down for calibration, it goes up? I think because of the metal of the festo connector, how do I set it up?

Publié : 28/08/2024 12:58 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Tube Bowden PTFE

Fred, can you add photos of your setup please, I’m struggling to visualise what you are describing 

Publié : 28/08/2024 1:13 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Tube Bowden PTFE

when I put the fastener on the MK4

I don't think the printer can calibrate any more because of the metal in the ptfe tube fixing, but when you use MMU3 it works, so how do you do it?

Publié : 28/08/2024 1:57 pm
Estimable Member

Good photos thanks. The fastener should simply screw into the top where you currently have the Bowden tube pushed, then, push the Bowden tube into this fastener and it should work perfectly - just grabbed you a frame from a time lapse to show you (I can’t take a still at the moment as I’m currently printing)

Ce message a été modifié il y a 6 months 3 fois par ChiefSmeg
Publié : 28/08/2024 3:50 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Tube Bowden PTFE

Yes, I know, thank you, I have a farm of 30 MK3 MK4 and XL printers, but as soon as I put the festo connector on, the printer stopped working. Now I work without the connector and it works very well...

Publié : 28/08/2024 3:55 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Tube Bowden PTFE

I know I have this too but it only works with mmu

Publié : 28/08/2024 4:09 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Tube Bowden PTFE

That is really odd. If it works with your MMU then it can’t be because it is blocked or squeezing the Bowden. I’m really sorry but I’m at a loss!

Publié : 28/08/2024 5:10 pm
Fred a aimé
Topic starter answered:
RE: Tube Bowden PTFE

Thanks anyway, the Prusa after-sales service is also looking into the matter.

Publié : 28/08/2024 8:57 pm
ChiefSmeg a aimé
Topic starter answered:
RE: Tube Bowden PTFE

For information, if anyone else has this problem, just reinstall the latest software and it works.

Publié : 29/08/2024 7:40 am
ChiefSmeg a aimé
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