Brand new Mk4/textured sheet/enclosure and warping PETG
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Brand new Mk4/textured sheet/enclosure and warping PETG  

Brand new Mk4/textured sheet/enclosure and warping PETG


I just finished assembling my new Mk4 in its new enclosure, tried my firts prints on a new textured sheet and I exeprience warping issues while printing with PETG.

There are two similar parts on the plate, and one of them (always the same) keeps warping then coming off the plate.
I tried several things :

  • Washing the plate with Isopropilic Alcohol
  • Washing the plate with dishsoap and water
  • Printing with another filament
  • Increase the heatbed temperature from 70 (default) to 80°

But without any change.

I never dealt with textured plates before, but as I understant it should perfectly fit with PETG. Maybe an issue with an area of my sheet contaminated with something (I didn't put my thuna/mayonnaise sandwich on the plate though...), but if washing it with soap and/or IA didn't help, I have no more idea...

Any suggestion ?

Veröffentlicht : 26/08/2023 11:01 am
Reputable Member
RE: Brand new Mk4/textured sheet/enclosure and warping PETG

I don't think it's a 'dead spot' on the sheet. but you could certainly test the theory by moving that piece to a different place on the bed in the slicer.

When someone asks you if you're a god, you say, "YES!"

Veröffentlicht : 04/09/2023 6:43 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Brand new Mk4/textured sheet/enclosure and warping PETG

I had a similar problem with a new textured sheet on my Mk3s a year or two ago.  Eventually the problem went away and PETG prints started adhering properly and consistently.  In hindsight I wonder if it just needed more thorough washing to remove residue left on the surface during manufacture.


Veröffentlicht : 04/09/2023 8:14 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Brand new Mk4/textured sheet/enclosure and warping PETG

Similar. My tried-and true txt sheet from my MK3 failed utterly on my brand new MK4. Dawn, 92% IPA nothing would make it stick. I questioned if it was even compatible and was met with stories of people saying It was totally no problem.

One more Dawn wash, dry, & IPA and it suddenly began working perfectly. no clue what changed, but it definitely works like a champ.

When someone asks you if you're a god, you say, "YES!"

Veröffentlicht : 04/09/2023 8:33 pm
MikeH gefällt das
Eminent Member
RE: Brand new Mk4/textured sheet/enclosure and warping PETG

I had the same problem using PETG on a textured plate on my MK3S+.  I applied a thin layer of glue stick on the build plate. Print sticks very well. 

On my MK4, PETG holds well on the steel plate that came with the MK4 kit. It takes a lot of effort to remove the raft or supports from the plate. 

Veröffentlicht : 09/09/2023 1:03 pm