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Warping Prints & Accuracy Questions  

Stillwater Casey
Warping Prints & Accuracy Questions

I'm completely new to 3D printing & just built my first MK4. I am generally pleased with the quality of the printer, but I've run into an issue. I have noticed that a lot of objects are warping when printed directly on the steel PEI sheet (I'm only printing using Prusament PLA filament so far). Especially with wide/long objects, the corners lift up & off of the build plate as the print continues. The top layers turn out fine, it's just the bottom that is warping like this. What can I do to prevent this from happening?

Second, I would like to improve the accuracy of the printer. I'm hoping to get 0.002" tolerances out of it & better would be a plus. So far testing has given me a mix of passing & out of spec. results as follows;

-X axis: +/- 0.0020"

-Y axis: +/- 0.0048"

-Z axis: +/- 0.0010"

-Printed pins have a diameter of +/- 0.006"

-Printed pin holes across the Z axis have a diameter of +/- 0.006"

Are there any physical adjustments I can make to the printer to narrow down these numbers?

Publié : 22/09/2024 12:07 am
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