Tickled and grateful - Thank you. (NRN)
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Tickled and grateful - Thank you. (NRN)  

New Member
Tickled and grateful - Thank you. (NRN)

Hello there folks, first quick post-

I do not have a Prusa printer as of yet, but I have been a long time lurker and admirer of the company, machine, and these forums.  Eventually I hope to be in a place to dip my toe in, but for now I'm using a dinosaur of a machine to learn the basics, and have some fun.  

Anyhow, I just wanted to hop on and say how much I appreciate you all.  I love the amount of time and dedication so many of you put into helping one another regardless of the question, starting point, etc.  Frankly, it is just a small thing, but it is a disproportionally wonderful thing to see, especially as hospitality and civility in my home country has suffered of late.  It's silly but seeing this level of genuine help and camaraderie may or may not make me a little teary-eyed (I admit nothing), or at the very least giggle joyfully a bit.

So, that is it.  Y'all are inspiring and wonderful and helpful and make the world better, one small help-post at a time.  Go you!  🙂



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Opublikowany : 24/03/2021 1:08 am