SuperPinda adjustment that worked for me and may help another beginner
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SuperPinda adjustment that worked for me and may help another beginner  

Active Member
SuperPinda adjustment that worked for me and may help another beginner


Perhaps this was posted before, or something similar was posted.  I was having fun with the smaller files which came preloaded on the SD card. Once I started slicing and getting more daring, I had a lot of adhesion issues and kept messing with the z height calibration trying to get my first layer perfect.  I noted that I was over a full millimeter adjustment and though the more complex prints would start off seemingly ok, I was having issues.  

So: I tried something simple but really really really helped.  I placed the unit off, manually ran the z axis down.  I measured a stack of simple printing paper to about 1.2 mm and placed under the SuperPinda.  I loosened the sensor fully, hand ran the nozzle down to just touch the bed, then I ran the sensor down firmly against the 1.2 mm stack of paper and tightened it.  I then did a test and watched the layers coming down nearly flawlessly.  I did adjust the z height about .2 mm and then used calipers to check the thickness of the rectangle.  It was .37 mm.  I then ran the z height down another .15 mm and the final rectangle was perfect.  I then tried the complex print I was struggling with and it printed flawlessly.  

Just trying to help with the initial sensor height adjustment.  In hindsight, I would probably have used a paper stack at 1.35 to start.  This gets the z axis super close to no offset.  I'm a newbie for sure, but in my trial and error, I hope this helps a few people with initial issues.


Postato : 04/03/2022 4:33 am
burtronix hanno apprezzato
Famed Member
RE: SuperPinda adjustment that worked for me and may help another beginner

Always good to hear success stories that can help other users avoid problems. The ideal distance between sheet and PINDA is around 1.5 mm. This should get you around -1 for a good live z, which in turn offers plenty of room to adjust up and down if you change sheets, nozzles, etc. 

I've also created a little tool to help adjust the PINDA to the right height  

Better than zip ties, credit cards, etc, with less well defined thicknesses. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Postato : 04/03/2022 9:48 pm
burtronix e jmshaffer1973 hanno apprezzato
Active Member
RE: SuperPinda adjustment that worked for me and may help another beginner

I can vouch for the effectiveness of the SuperPinda calibration print that @fuchsr designed. The other great thing about the print is the built in T-Slot attachment. It is always attached to the frame of my printer ready for redeployment.

Postato : 08/03/2022 5:52 pm