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[Chiuso] Stepper motor vibration problem  

Stepper motor vibration problem

Hi everyone, I am trying to dampen the vibration of the stepper motor on the x-axis of my plasma cutting gantry, the stepper causes vibrations when the motor moves and the vibrations are transferred to the entire floating head including the torch head... I currently have a damper between the motor and the x-axis which dampens the sound but still physically vibrates, I am using a rack and pinion with bearings all around the square tube and a nema 23 stepper motor ( ).

Can anyone give me some ideas on how to get it to run as smoothly as possible as this will affect the quality of the cut of the part.


Postato : 10/09/2024 6:18 am
Moderatore Moderator
RE: Stepper motor vibration problem

This site is for support of Original Prusa 3D Printers, you are better off looking on Reddit for help.

Postato : 10/09/2024 10:00 pm