Save Your Print (lifting from bed mid-print)
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Have you ever had a print detach from the bed after 3+ hours? Poll is created on Nov 05, 2021


Save Your Print (lifting from bed mid-print)  

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Reputable Member
RE: Save Your Print (lifting from bed mid-print)


My comments were intended for @diems comment:

Well... lithophanes are about as big a waste of the technology as one could imagine

to point out that there is a use that could be considered a bigger waste of the technology.

I did not say anything about a single layer lithophane, I said print. I do know what a lithophane is as I print them frequently.

But thanks for the b<>slap.

Have a good day.



Quality is the Journey, not the Destination. My limited prints->

Posted : 12/11/2021 7:59 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Sharp Rocks

If I'm not mistaken, you seem to be implying that I should still be shaving my beard with sharp rocks, cause you know, old technology

A fair point; a well struck mesolithic flint flake will retain its sharpness to the present day, over 6,000 years, so yay for silica technology.


Posted : 12/11/2021 9:25 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Save Your Print (lifting from bed mid-print)

dumbest thing ive read in a long time. whens the last time you brought someone to tears with a christmas or birthday or anniversary present that was an ink transfer or old technology printed picture? people like you try to make up for your complete lack of creativity, inability to innovate, and your predetermined mindset to find a reason to argue and minimize, with overly eloquent reasonable sounding ignorance which demonstrates that you both have no experience or knowledge about given topic and also that you are here solely for the reason of derailing and blocking any beneficial discussion, sharing of thoughts and ideas, and ultimately forward progress with your oppositional baseless nonsense. 

but i guess you can't teach someone who already knows everything, and you can't innovate, invent, create, revolutionize, modify, iterate, test, theorize, learn, improve, or anything else that most people would regard as "growing", so long as you've already made up your mind to have arrived at the destination of wisdom and from this very pedestal of understanding throw rocks down upon all those who would seek to gain knowledge.

i would have used all the fun grammar things like capitalization and punctuation, but it would have allowed you to possibly read for understanding and grasp the point i'm making and then you'd be ragequit all over us, and we aren't here to argue or promote arguments and bad attitudes. have a nice day. 

i have so many more things to share that i don't believe have been discussed, but it's clear that i dont have the time nor energy to be bothered to wade through this kind of water. 

Posted by: @diem

Well... lithophanes are about as big a waste of the technology as one could imagine - far better either to print a conventional transparency and 3D frame or to do an ink transfer.  Why one would use a 3D printer to reproduce, poorly, a 2D image that can be reproduced with much greater fidelity by older, cheaper, readily available equipment is beyond comprehension.



Posted : 23/02/2022 2:43 pm
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