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Do you think prusa should add a way to make club and file purchases with Prusameter points? (While still paying creators for their work obviously) Poll is created on Jan 30, 2024


PrusaMeter Redmetions  

Brody Richardson
Active Member
PrusaMeter Redmetions

Share what you think in the comments and poll below:

I have been saving my prusameter points because generally I just haven't needed to use them for filament or anything so they just keep collecting. However, It would be really nice to be able to transfer or exchange my prusameter points to join clubs or purchase files using some kind of exchange rate. Has anyone else thought of this? I purchase most of my files on cultz3D and I really use each platform for a specific reason, Printables because of the reasonably obtainable points in contests, even if I don't use my points its one of the reason i have only uploaded files to printables and not other places like thingiverse or cultz, but I normally use printables for their free models but if I purchase models its always on cultz3d but being able to use my prusa points iv been awarded in order to make those small purchases would be a game changer. I don't think any other platform has this option and I think that it would really stand out amongst the crowded libraries.

I mean if prusa can trade points for printers i think the added models and traffic to get points in order to make these purchases would be enough to upset the loss of using points for non prusa items Because i do think that creators should still be compensated for their work and files.

Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 1 year von Brody Richardson
Veröffentlicht : 30/01/2024 9:27 pm
Famed Member
RE: PrusaMeter Redmetions

I'm not super interested in this particular idea (mostly because I haven't seen anything I'd buy) but the general idea of making Prusameters more flexible is a good one. I've bought enough Minis from my Prusameters, I don't need them for filament, but being able to use them, for example, to buy Obxidian nozzles would make them worthwhile. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Veröffentlicht : 31/01/2024 12:23 am
_KaszpiR_ und Netpackrat gefällt das
Noble Member
RE: PrusaMeter Redmetions


Posted by: @fuchsr

I'm not super interested in this particular idea (mostly because I haven't seen anything I'd buy) but the general idea of making Prusameters more flexible is a good one. I've bought enough Minis from my Prusameters, I don't need them for filament, but being able to use them, for example, to buy Obxidian nozzles would make them worthwhile. 

How do you get so many prusameters. @fuchsr I do like this idea but the creators would still want to be paid so prusa would end up paying right? So I don't think they'd be willing to do it

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Veröffentlicht : 31/01/2024 2:38 am
Brody Richardson
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: PrusaMeter Redmetions

yes technically prusa would have to pay the creator but if their willing to give up revenue on a mk4 or 3 even at cost their still "losing" money per-say but prusa also benefits off each sale by taking a percentage off the top when ever a model is sold. so they would only have to pay the creator their dividend of each sale and comparing that cost to a mk4 even at cost is MUCH lower. Unlike what the person above said about purchasing outside items these redemption's and purchases are solely on their platform so like any seller agreement it could be written in many ways first you have to find an echange rate of how many prusameters equal a dollar (I will be using PM as an abbreviation of prusameters throughout this text) as of right now a prusa mini goes for $459 USD and costs 10000 prusa meters so if you do the math 1 prusameter equals 0.0459 USD so to make the other examples easier we'll just say 1 PM = 0.05c USD. So then after they make a universally agreed upon exchange rate in our case were using 1PM = 5c Then they could right that in the contract for anyone selling on their page. Even giving the seller the option to allow exchanges in PM's even saying that prusa will pay 50% of their original dividend (so we'll say as an example a $5 model is sold prusa will keep $1 and the sellers dividend is $4) if this option is allowed they will make less but in the long run sell more because people that weren't going to purchase are now going to buy with PM's even if the seller only makes 50% of their original dividend its still more then what they would have and prusa then only has to cover 50% of the dividend. Or even just a clean exchange; model for PM's no currency involved seller sets the cost in both currency and PM's then the seller can redeem the PM's for anything in the reward center like a new mk4 and the seller wouldn't be losing money on exchange rate. So with our exchange rate example we'll just say their selling a model for 5$ usd that would convert to 100PM's or the seller could even bump that up and say 5$ or 150pm's which exchanges to $7.50.

There are just SOOO many ways that this could be done to make it beneficial for everyone evolved. We had brought up earlier that they would be "losing" money but if you think of the bigger picture then they would actually be gaining in many ways. The main point  would be a gain in Traffic to the site. Simply stating there isn't another site right now that offers something like this, which would bring buyers and people looking to download files back to printables from makersworld, cultz3d, ex. which would bring creators to the platform as well, and the only way to get prusameters is to actively participate on the web sight by uploading files, makes, placing in contests, ext. So to use this feature you would have to actively be using the printables which is a huge plus and probably worth more to prusa winning more traffic from other directories then having to pay a creator $2 on a $5 model or even just transferring PM's to a seller for free. This would also help those like me that have a decent amount of PM's but far from enough to exchange it for a mk4 or even a prusa mini, it would give those people in the middle ground something to use their points for benefiting both sides and giving them more ambition to want to earn more PM's by entering contests and uploading makes, and possibly learning to design files to upload.

So to me this is a no-brainer and I only gave two examples of the countless ways this could be rolled out and i have at least 9 more examples off the top of my head. this would benefit all party's prusa, sellers/creators and us lonely pions like me that just download and print stuff.

Veröffentlicht : 02/02/2024 12:42 am
Noble Member
RE: PrusaMeter Redmetions

You are forgetting one important detail, currently Prusa is in almost all areas of operation production limited, not demand limited. With a fixed rate of Prusameter into real money at least within the Prusa store, they woul nail themselves to a board even at a time where they struggle to cater even to existing demand. 

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Veröffentlicht : 02/02/2024 7:50 am
Netpackrat und _KaszpiR_ gefällt das