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Prusa Slic3er bug?  

New Member
Prusa Slic3er bug?


I just updated Slic3r and every time I press "Slice now" the program automatically closes, my boss is also experiencing the same issue on his computer. I have tried deleting the program and re-downloading it. As well as turning off my computer and running an update check. 


Not sure if anyone else is running into the same issue. I would really appreciate some insight!


Postato : 20/06/2019 7:43 pm
Noble Member
RE: Prusa Slic3er bug?

We'll need more info like

  • Operating System
  • Memory
  • Info/Pictures of the model (or ideally if you could share the 3MF project)
  • Print settings (nozzle size, layer height, MMU, SL1, etc..)
  • Can you slice a less complex model (e.g. small cube or cylinder)?

I've had PS crash on me a few times, but not consistently like you describe. When it does crash on me the two consistent items are A) I've had it open a long time and performed lots of slices for different prints and B) it happens when I slice a complex model that can take 5-10 minutes to slice when it does work (e.g. right after I restart the app).

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Postato : 20/06/2019 8:23 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Slic3er bug?

I've been trying to slice less complex models, such as cubes, and cylinders for now. 

I've tried doing pre-set printer/fillament settings for now. 

  1. operating system: 
    • 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
  2. Installed RAM:
    • 8.00 GB (7.85 GB usable) 
  3. I have just discovered that when I use files created through FreeCad it crashes every time. I used files from the "3D Objects" file that comes with the Prusa download and those seem to work just fine.


What other CAD programs would you recommend? 


Postato : 20/06/2019 9:09 pm
Noble Member
RE: Prusa Slic3er bug?

I'm a CAD idiot so TinkerCAD is all I can manage at this point 😉 

Fusion 360 is popular as is SCAD, but it seems that FreeCAD is a pretty common option too.

If this is only from models that you generate from FreeCAD I suspect that there is something wrong with the models themselves. When you import one of the object, look on the right hand side in the object list. Is there a warning triangle next to the object that means that it had errors that PS tried to correct (open faces and the like). It's always done well enough for me, but it could be that there is an error that it can't correct (or it is doing so in such a manner that is causing the crash).

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Postato : 20/06/2019 9:22 pm
Nigel hanno apprezzato
Honorable Member
RE: Prusa Slic3er bug?

I like Tinkercad too. It does what I want.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Postato : 21/06/2019 2:11 am
Prominent Member
RE: Prusa Slic3er bug?

I use FreeCAD (just a rank amateur, but at least I've used it). I've done a couple things, and I just verified that at least one slices fine in PrusaSlicer. Here is a sample of a cookie cutter that I made (I haven't gotten around to publishing it yet, but will do eventually. Consider it CC BY-SA or equivalent): CrossCookieCutter  I also included the .3mf project file that has the variable layer height that I used. 

Are you able to upload a sample model that doesn't work? Both the FreeCAD file and the resulting stl, please.

Which version of Slic3r are you using? Have you upgraded to PrusaSlicer? (PrusaSlicer is the rebranding of Prusa's porting of Slic3r to a completely different programming language.) What version of FreeCAD are you using?

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Postato : 21/06/2019 3:41 am