Prusa mini+ or even the prusa mini without upgrades or the higher end bigger versions are my favorite number one printer in the world lets go prusa lets make 3d tattoo printers and stem cell printers for united states and europe and japan
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Prusa mini+ or even the prusa mini without upgrades or the higher end bigger versions are my favorite number one printer in the world lets go prusa lets make 3d tattoo printers and stem cell printers for united states and europe and japan  

Joshua Rogers
Prusa mini+ or even the prusa mini without upgrades or the higher end bigger versions are my favorite number one printer in the world lets go prusa lets make 3d tattoo printers and stem cell printers for united states and europe and japan

I'm a software engineer and programmer and engineer and mechanic engineer I studied this type of work for about 10-20 years now since I was interested or fascinated about 3d printing theirs various models and people showcasing 3d printing but my idea of this type of technology integrated into the Prusa slicer as a premium subscription plan or even for free especially if you purchase their Prusa printers  that are upgradeable and can buy packages as premium subscription tier plans say bronze silver gold 1's for smaller or individuals and silver is for small teams or indie 3d printing farms I'm going to donate the program or software to see if it can be integrated with Prusa slicer also make it a bit neater bit brighter Ui and custom features if they allowed mods for the Prusa slicer count me putting thousands of hours for free into it in spare time through the day and nights you made my engineering dream a reality your literally a godsend Prusa if you want the technology o how to do it I'll write it down in a pdf document and send it in an email I couldn't find anywhere to contact you so I had to post this here on the forums if someone wishes to help out or hays ideas or features please do not hesitate or let me know anything you wish or want to understand or when its nearly finished and have you guys do whatever you wish or even extract bits here and there I've been studying programming for nearly 23-24 years.


Have fun

Stay safe,


Sincerely Joshua

Napsal : 30/05/2024 9:21 am