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Perimeters before infill  

Quinn Grudzinski
New Member
Perimeters before infill

Is there a way to force perimeters to print before infill in the newer PrusaSlicer releases 2.6+? I notice that if you have layers with minimal perimeters it will start printing infill first. This causes problems with the prints I'm making and have been stuck using older versions of prusa that don't have this feature.

Opublikowany : 29/01/2024 4:40 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Perimeters before infill

Sounds like you have something wrong with your profiles.  There's a tickbox to FORCE infill before perimeters, if its not ticked then PS always does perimeters first.  That hasn't changed in ages, predates 2.6 by a long way.

Please zip up and attach an example project (use file>save project as to generate a PS 3mf file) where it slices the infill first for you.  Must be zipped or the forum wont attach the file.  With a project file we can open it with the same settings you are using and debug things much much easier.


Opublikowany : 29/01/2024 7:57 pm