New Forum section: PrusaSLicer & Colour Objects Design & slicing tips & tricks
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New Forum section: PrusaSLicer & Colour Objects Design & slicing tips & tricks  

Reputable Member
New Forum section: PrusaSLicer & Colour Objects Design & slicing tips & tricks


could you please create a new forum section dedicated to "PrusaSlicer & Colour Objects Design & slicing tips & tricks" ?

There are many question about the new Prusa application, and "how to do it" related to colour objects that otherwise are "lost" inside several different sections and topics, difficult to see and find.

A single place where discuss, layer settings, profile settings, functionalities would be great.


Publié : 14/06/2019 6:50 pm
JP Powers et ont aimé
JP Powers
Eminent Member
RE: New Forum section: PrusaSLicer & Colour Objects Design & slicing tips & tricks
Posted by: Antimix


could you please create a new forum section dedicated to "PrusaSlicer & Colour Objects Design & slicing tips & tricks" ?

There are many question about the new Prusa application, and "how to do it" related to colour objects that otherwise are "lost" inside several different sections and topics, difficult to see and find.

A single place where discuss, layer settings, profile settings, functionalities would be great.


I'm glad I did a search before posting my own request for this! I'm adding a FLSun QQ-S Delta printer to my PrusaSlicer, and while I've got the basics working there are some issues I'm seeing and I'd rather have a dedicated forum here to pinpoint the problem than post "false positive" bugs on the github page for PrusaSlicer, which feels like the only "dedicated" way to get help for the software at the moment.
Publié : 01/07/2019 2:43 am
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