LCD Knob will not scroll to select after new thermistor install
So I had to replace my thermistor wiring. Everything went fine... no issues, no hiccups... a perfect successful surgery. Powered up the unit and the LCD knob will allow me to press it to access the "Info Screen, Preheat, No SD Card sub-menu"... but I cannot scroll to any other items in the sub-menu. Has anyone seen this issue before? I have checked all connections that I know to check... everything seems firmly connected. No errors during power up.... but again, I cannot scroll to get into any of the sub-menu items.
RE: LCD Knob will not scroll to select after new thermistor install
Just curious if you ensured the resistance value prior to install? I think they're 100k ohms. I work in appliance repair, not printing, but I have seen some unusual resistance values in components cause some dc related abnormalities and unusual function in user interface controls. Just trying to help....
RE: LCD Knob will not scroll to select after new thermistor install
@ Kendred Cooper:
If the thermistor was the only thing you changed, my way would be to again disconnect the thermistor and test if than the knob is working as expected - if so we have a new learning - if not - the thermistor is not the problem.
Best regards, Clemens
Mini, i3 MK2.5S, i3 MK4, CClone (Eigenbau)
Sounds like a wiring problem. If the wiring is properly connected as you suggest (but re-check anyway) then you may have fractured a wire or cracked a solder joint by flexing it in the reinstallation process - use a multimeter to check continuity.
RE: LCD Knob will not scroll to select after new thermistor install
If the LCD cables are well seated in their sockets and undamaged, it can be failure of the rotary encoder of the LCD unit.
The push button might work and the scrolling wheel not because these functions are independent each other, although located inside the same component. If you think that’s very far fetched.. well, it happened to me a few months ago.