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Hiding individual users on Printables  

New Member
Hiding individual users on Printables

Is there a way to hide items and comments from a particular user on the Printables site? The only way I can see is the report button. I don't think the user has done anything wrong and see no need to report them. I just want to non-intrusively hide their models when I'm logged in and browsing.

Postato : 25/04/2022 10:50 pm
Extra Fox hanno apprezzato
Same Old Shane
Utenti Admin
RE: Hiding individual users on Printables


Posted by: @rmdc

Is there a way to hide items and comments from a particular user on the Printables site? The only way I can see is the report button. I don't think the user has done anything wrong and see no need to report them. I just want to non-intrusively hide their models when I'm logged in and browsing.


Thanks for the feedback and it was submitted to our web developers, there is a good bit of updates set in the future and I can't say exactly when it will be added, but its on the list 🙂 

Shane (AKA FromPrusa)

Postato : 26/04/2022 8:30 am
UjinDesign, Extra Fox e RMDC hanno apprezzato
Random Dude
RE: Hiding individual users on Printables

I know this is a two-year old post, but has the "hide user" functionality been added since 2022? If so, how do we access it?

Postato : 17/11/2024 7:24 pm
UjinDesign, Nagasadri e ScottW hanno apprezzato
RE: Hiding individual users on Printables

If it exists, I can’t find it.

Postato : 07/02/2025 10:07 pm
UjinDesign hanno apprezzato
RE: Hiding individual users on Printables


I understand your concern. Unfortunately, as of now, the Printables site doesn't offer a feature to hide items and comments from specific users without reporting them. However, you can try reaching out to the Printables support team and suggest this feature. They might consider adding it in future updates. 

My ATT Results
Postato : 08/02/2025 10:09 am