Have Creator Pro made by Flashforge considering going to Prusa MK3S+
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Have Creator Pro made by Flashforge considering going to Prusa MK3S+  

Trusted Member
Have Creator Pro made by Flashforge considering going to Prusa MK3S+

I've had the Creator Pro 3d printer for a few years. Been able to print with it, but it was a real pain. Has anyone used both and can comment on how they compare?

I've read a fair amount on the MK3S+ and have had the following challenges:

- bed leveling was a nightmare. It was manual and extremely difficult to get it right.

- their print bed was useless. I had to have glass cut to size and mount it on the printbed, then use blue painters tape over the bed, then use a glue stick on that. Also had to use hairspray (not for me)

- at times the filament would stop feeding. Usually it was because the filament in the spool would sometimes get some slack and would slide over the feed and cause it tighten over itself and stop feeding. When this happened it would continue to move the print head without filament. Total waste.

- Models would stick like  they were cemented on the platter.

From what I've read this model addressed these issues. Looking for confirmation from owners of the printer. Also, what is your experience with feed jams or running out of filament? Is the printer really able to detect these and not impact the quality of the print?


Respondido : 08/03/2023 7:36 pm
New Member
RE: Have Creator Pro made by Flashforge considering going to Prusa MK3S+

I actually went through a similar thought process myself and decided to get the MK3s+ kit because I wanted to assemble it with my son.  

For ffcp I would say that once I moved to the glass bed I have never had to use any kind of agent, glue or tape and got really clean shiny prints on the ffcp. I washed the plate clean once in a while and never touched the plate and once leveled it stayed put quite well. I wasn’t able to customize it or use anything like octoprint.

The Prusa is a joy to tinker with and I’m in love with the textured PEI sheet. You do have to a calibrate for each type of sheet but I find the auto leveling  pretty reliable overall. 

Interestingly I’ve also moved over to PrusaSlicer fully even for the ffcp using https://www.dr-lex.be/software/ffcp-slic3r-profiles.html  and I still use it for PLA once in a while but I really love the Prusa now.

Respondido : 09/03/2023 6:26 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Have Creator Pro made by Flashforge considering going to Prusa MK3S+

Sajay, thanks for taking the time to reply! I’m debating on whether or not to get the kit. Have you had any experience on feed jams, power outages, or filament running out in a print? Was the printer able to recover and pick up where it left off?

Respondido : 09/03/2023 12:15 pm
New Member
RE: Have Creator Pro made by Flashforge considering going to Prusa MK3S+

I’ve only been printing on the MK3S+ for about 2 weeks and not had any issues besides messing up an instruction on Z calibration after build. Dialing in the Z has got me  a really nice first layer that adheres well. 

Again I’m a novice and no experience fixing any of these issues as I haven’t faced any on either of these printers and not printed as much as many others have. But for the ffcp moving to the glass bed and an extremely clean and leveled build plate has been helping. For ABS used layneer on Glass. 

On the prusa only printed PLA and PETG and no issues and been quite happy with Prusament/Esun and hatchbox filaments. 

Respondido : 09/03/2023 5:25 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Have Creator Pro made by Flashforge considering going to Prusa MK3S+

Thanks again for your reply!

Respondido : 09/03/2023 6:04 pm
maker_whale me gusta