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downloads vs makes  

Trusted Member
downloads vs makes

Obviously this is not the case for my models but I wanted to try to understand why for some objects there are hundreds if not thousands of downloads and very few makes, laziness or what else?

1+1=10 - take a look at my disgusting and useless models

Postato : 25/02/2022 12:25 pm
BrianBlox hanno apprezzato
Active Member
RE: downloads vs makes

My personal ratio isn't hundreds or thousands to five or so, but over the years I have downloaded far more things than I've actually printed.

Sometimes I'm just grabbing everything that looks useful for the task at hand and I only print the one or two that look most suited for my purpose. 

Other times I'm downloading stuff that I might want to print later but never get around to.


And of course for the best gizmos I'm too busy playing with them.

A person who never failed never tried anything new. -Einstein

Postato : 26/02/2022 6:29 pm
Illustrious Member

Most published print files, especially so these days, are not worth printing. If I am scrolling throught the database I might find one in a hundred worth looking at further.  So I open the individual page.  Most of the time this is enough but perhaps once or twice a month there will be something that tempts me to download the files.

Most of these will be discarded after a quick look in slicer.  Perhaps one in twenty will be printed and then most will be discarded after testing, very few designers properly test their prints before publishing.

But why would I print a make?  If I have something to say about a print I might add a comment - but a make ... I cannot think of any reason for uploading makes with the single exception of a print for which I designed an augmentation so I showed the original with the new addition fitted but even then I called it a reworking.

The only possible value in a make is to prove that a file is printable.  If the designer didn't supply a photo of a print I wouldn't download it in the first place.

I cannot think of any point in the makes category even existing.  It just pollutes the database with duplicates.


Postato : 27/02/2022 3:14 am
BogdanH hanno apprezzato
Active Member
RE: downloads vs makes

Makes prove that the file can be printed by more than just the creator's printer and settings.  They also allow the community to give positive feedback to encourage creators and constructive feedback to improve their craft.


A person who never failed never tried anything new. -Einstein

Postato : 27/02/2022 3:31 am
Illustrious Member

That's what comments are for.


Postato : 27/02/2022 3:38 am
Noble Member
RE: downloads vs makes

I make my own stuff and rarely download from a repository, and if I do it's only to see how they "might" have worked out whatever it is they claim to have provided a solution too.

The Filament Whisperer

Postato : 27/02/2022 4:43 am
Active Member
RE: downloads vs makes

I think I may be misunderstanding your objection to makes, as a make is just a comment with a photo demonstrating that one has actually printed the model and can therefore offer more valuable commentary.

I'm not sure how a make represents an unnecessary duplicate or database pollution.  


We are getting way off-topic from funCoolio's original serious question, for my part I'll watch out for designs with a lopsided download/make ratio to see if any interesting patterns jump out.

A person who never failed never tried anything new. -Einstein

Postato : 27/02/2022 11:47 am
New Member
RE: downloads vs makes

The download step is completely different from doing it. I have come across many such cases

Postato : 28/02/2022 7:13 am