Bringing to life Defective Filament?
Hello people! I have a little problem with my filament spool.
I was buying new PETG filament from AzureFilm in my country. Unfortunately I find out that they stopped production of this specific filament. After opening the filament the spool looked like it's filled with lot's of bubbles inside. I thought it's just few meters on outside and the possibility of it being wet. After I print something from it it was seen also on prints that its not good (see added photos) and that the whole spool is like that. From searching info about this on various forums it may be defective filament from factory...
Yet I wanted to know if its possible to somehow save this filament, even when you don't have special tools for filament making? I really like the color and fact that it's PETG. And I don't want to just toss it in the trash and try to bring it back to life if it's somehow possible.
I'll appreciate any help.
RE: Bringing to life Defective Filament?
Maybe start with a good long drying session.
Since i don't have dryer i was thinking of drying in the oven like many people do, im just kinda afraid of it because I read that a slightly higher temp may melt the filament way too much, so i must learn what are the best temps for that and how long it should be in the oven. Also Wouldn't it after that loose it's properties? Like strength etc.? I never had issue with wet filament over the years of printing so I'm a little worried of ruining the whole spool in oven 😀 Anyway thank you for advice!
RE: Bringing to life Defective Filament?
Tip: In a household oven put 'thermal inertia' in the form of a stack of plates for more stable temperature. Modern ovens are lightweight and may see considerable temperature overshoot when heating up. They simply are not designed to be operated at a combination of low temperatures and low fill. The temperature you cannot help but at least give it something to work on, like a few kilograms of earthenware. Also add a cooking thermometer to see if that reads about the same as the oven's own readout.
Then, btter choose your drying temperature on the safe side and let the spool 'sweat' an hour or two more.
RE: Bringing to life Defective Filament?
Thank you for the tip! I'll definitely give it a try 😊
RE: Bringing to life Defective Filament?
There are warnings about using regular ovens. Oven temperatures are not consistent and can fluctuate. You want to stay below the glass transition temperature that is around 80 degrees. Recommended temperatures that I have seen are 65 to 70 degrees. Use an external oven thermometer to watch the temperature and do a test of the oven before putting the filament into the oven. Even a lower temperature will dry the filament, just take longer.
I tried a different method and found that the temperature was good in part of the container but much hotter in other areas. Did some slight damage to some filament.
I'll def do proper research, but it's always better when people who already have experiences with it help or write down their knowledge! Thank you so much for another tips! <3
I'll try to dry the filament after work so I'll add updates of how it all worked out.
RE: Bringing to life Defective Filament?
If you live in the areas of the cold weather right now, a great way to heat up the house before bed. Good luck.
RE: Bringing to life Defective Filament?
Thank you! Hopefully I wouldn't heat also neighbours house 😆
RE: Bringing to life Defective Filament?
Try drying a small part of it, like 10cm and see how it goes.
If it does not change then maybe you could trade in with someone else in the nearby.
Otherwise try to find alternative in
See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.
RE: Bringing to life Defective Filament?
Oohh! Good idea! Tbh I didn't think about it this way so thank you, at least i dont ruin whole spool even more.
Unfortunately I don't know if i find this specific color since AzureFilm stopped production of that color in PETG. And I more prefer to print from PETG. Yet I have ordered sample of prusament i liked and in similar color so I'll see how that goes.
Anyway, Thanks to all of you for tips and help! I Really appreciate that. I'll try to bring the filament back to life, otherwise I'll have at least new experience 🙂