Best practice to share setup for filament?
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Best practice to share setup for filament?  

The Grue
Eminent Member
Best practice to share setup for filament?


what is the best practice to share prusa-slicer settings for a new filament?

When I started to print MOLDLAY, I wished that there would be a finished filament/print setup. I found none, and now I have created it myself. I'd like to share that with whoever might need it.

Similar to a review on github, it would be great if others could share their improvements. I don't claim at all that my settings are perfect 😉

Thanks for your input!



Napsal : 17/11/2020 7:36 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Best practice to share setup for filament?

You can export any profile settings, either the 3 currently selected or all of your custom ones by doing a export config bundle (bundle does them all).  These can then be imported in by anyone.  Its the normal way of doing a backup of all your customised settings.

The issue is where to actually save them such that they are accessible for people to download and findable.  I know people have added profiles for other things/cura settings etc as 'models' on thingiverse.  Might be worth seeing if there is anywhere set up for that already.

Napsal : 17/11/2020 8:13 pm