A way to download the PDF summary of a printables post (i.e. link details, licenses, etc) without downloading the entire zip file
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A way to download the PDF summary of a printables post (i.e. link details, licenses, etc) without downloading the entire zip file  

Travis Allen
New Member
A way to download the PDF summary of a printables post (i.e. link details, licenses, etc) without downloading the entire zip file

I'm not sure if I am missing something, but I don't see a way to download just the PDF summary of a printables model page without downloading the entire zip file. I sometimes want just a few model files so I don't want the whole zip but I like keeping a copy of the PDF with the downloaded files.

This is the page I'm looking at now and I can't find a way to just download the PDF, I only see the various model files:


Best Answer by Travis Allen:

I'm not sure when it showed up (or if it was there the whole time), but there is now a pdf button to the right of the description heading on the Details tab that downloads the PDF summary that I am looking for

Respondido : 24/03/2023 3:02 pm
Travis Allen
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: A way to download the PDF summary of a printables post (i.e. link details, licenses, etc) without downloading the entire zip file

I'm not sure when it showed up (or if it was there the whole time), but there is now a pdf button to the right of the description heading on the Details tab that downloads the PDF summary that I am looking for

Respondido : 19/04/2023 12:26 am