3.12.2 FW: Revo still has an issue with Thermal Anomaly
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3.12.2 FW: Revo still has an issue with Thermal Anomaly  

New Member
3.12.2 FW: Revo still has an issue with Thermal Anomaly

I have MK 3S+ with MMU2S and Revo. The FW 3.12.2 with the E3D-Revo support does not work correctly with this Hotend.

When I start the extruder heating at room temperature I get the error message "Thermal Anomality" after few seconds. But it is still heating up and during printing I do not get error messages. The Message is just at the start of the heating process.

When I start heating higher than 150°C then there is no error message at all.

The "Thermal Model cal." runs without any issue.

What I can I do switch off these noise and useless alarm messages?


Opublikowany : 20/03/2023 7:02 pm
Ty polubić
Active Member
RE: 3.12.2 FW: Revo still has an issue with Thermal Anomaly

I just recently purchased the MK3S+ w/ enclosure and I am having the same issue with the stock V6 hot end. Any print above 150 degrees throws a thermal anomaly. I also get a thermal error and print pause but can resume printing with no issues until it throws the next thermal error. I have calibrated the TM multiple times, re-flashed the firmware, performed a factory reset, tried with and without a silicone sock, printed in and out of the enclosure. disassembled and reassembled the hot end, checked the thermistor and heat probe. I was starting to wonder if the EINSY board was bad until I saw others were having the same issue. I am at a loss. From the time it took me to type this, I resumed my 2hr30min print 4 times because of the error. 

Opublikowany : 21/03/2023 12:28 am
Illustrious Member
RE: 3.12.2 FW: Revo still has an issue with Thermal Anomaly

Prusa wrote:

In case you are running 3rd-party parts like the Revo hotend, the thermal model will report errors because it needs to be trained on a large set of samples. We welcome anyone who’s willing to help us with testing. Please provide log files in GitHub issue. For now, you can disable the Thermal Model if you’re running the Revo and you’re certain that your printer is working fine. Connect to your Printer via Pronterface and send G-code M310 S0 followed by M500 - then you can continue using the firmware with third-party parts.



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Opublikowany : 21/03/2023 10:01 am
Fred i Bruno polubić
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: 3.12.2 FW: Revo still has an issue with Thermal Anomaly

Many Thanks for this information!

Do you have a link with a description how I can get these log files and how I can upload it in GitHub?  I'm not familiar with GitHub.


Opublikowany : 21/03/2023 6:22 pm
Active Member
RE: 3.12.2 FW: Revo still has an issue with Thermal Anomaly

With the help of tech support, it was determined my printer has a bad hotend thermsistor. Waiting for the replacement.

Opublikowany : 22/03/2023 3:11 am
Active Member

Was something modified regarding the filament sensor? it seems like it doesn't detect the end of the filament as the previous firmware, I am printing with filament from my pullstruder and it used to detect the end of the filament, now it continues to print untill the gears can't push on the filament anymore, and it's not a jammed nozzle problem, and this didn't happen before as it would stop itself, autoloading filament still works so it's not a faulty sensor

This post was modified 2 years temu by Alex
Opublikowany : 24/03/2023 1:41 pm