Latest PLA prints
Hello community,
I thought I'd share some of my latest prints since I mended my heatbed.
The Pink items are printed in Colorfabb PLA translucent pink with basic i3 mk2 PLA settings, only heatbed is set to 60°.
The Teal Baymax is printed in Colorfabb PLA glow in the dark, with basic unmodified i3 mk2 PLA settings.
The slicing is done in Simplify 3D.
The Lattice cube is inspired by MakersMuse's Lattice Cube torture test, but I think this one is more difficult to print still cos it's finer, the spokes have 3mm diam.
Hope you like them 🙂
Re: Latest PLA prints
The Lattice cube is inspired by MakersMuse's Lattice Cube torture test, but I think this one is more difficult to print still cos it's finer, the spokes have 3mm diam.
The Lattice cube looks fantastic!
Re: Latest PLA prints
Thank you so much for your post.
I had really big problems to find the correct settings to print with the colorfabb PLA
Everybody tells how great and easy to print the colorfabb filament is and I had so much issues.
With your settings I got it to print very well.
Thanks for sharing!