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Strange Lines on Print  

New Member
Strange Lines on Print

Dear Community, 
the last couple of my prints starts having strange white lines on the print. It seems that too much filament is extruded or it may get too hot. But those lines just appear on one side of the print. I tried troubleshooting this error but can't find any solution in this forum or on my own. I already recalibrated everything and I am only using the original Prusa PLA black filament.  
Did anyone had this strange kind of behavior before and found a solution?
I attached some photos.
Thank you guys in advance!

Napsal : 10/11/2022 7:37 pm
Member Moderator
RE: Strange Lines on Print

Hi, please tell us more about your setup. Also, this forum section is for PrusaLink and PrusaConnect related issues. Are you printing straight from the raspberry pi or from the SD card? If not using PrusaLink, I'll move this to the appropriate section depending on the printer. Thank you

Napsal : 11/11/2022 12:12 pm